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The Temp

Hello Everyone. I have a story on the site, WriteSpike. It’s about a guy who has temp job digging in the desert one day. What could possibly go wrong? Oh nothing, nothing at all. You can view, read, and submit stories, poetry, etc. on WriteSpike. It is free to use. Check it out and let me know what you think of this story.roter-sand-2042738_1280

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Published inpoetry

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  1. Great story, Lana. I was totally feeling for James’ predicament and his desperation to help Winston. Then that last line was so revealing. A guy who lives in the moment, apparently. ๐Ÿ™‚ Happy Writing!

  2. Holy cow, Lana, I wasn’t expecting poor Winston to croak! As always, an interesting premise, well-developed characters, great dialogue, a storyline that kept me turning pages, eager for more. How is WriteSpike different than WordPress? ๐Ÿ™‚

    • I know, poor Winston! Thank you for those very kind words, I appreciate you so much! I only posted some on WriteSpike because the woman who started it was asking people to contribute. Of course it is new, and not very well known, but I’m hoping it all works out for her. I’m not giving up my blog, I just haven’t been writing much lately. I can’t seem to find the balance with perpetual work….teach, prepare, teach, prepare, substitute still here and there, wait is that a poem? I will say that WriteSpike has a neat writer’s community and at time they have virtual chats. I was just invited to one, so it might be an avenue that some people enjoy, sort of a virtual writer’s group ๐Ÿ˜€

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