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Throwback to 2008 – What Happened…

January 2008


I had fully intended to keep a journal for this year down to meticulous details. In January, my best friend was the thermostat, and during bad weather I had more time to tune into the real news (Hollywood, of course). And gentle readers, if you remember, January was a troubling time for Miss Hit Me Once Again-Britney Spears. What was with Britney speaking with a British accent, hooking up with a dark, mysterious paparazzi boyfriend and shopping for a Mercedes in a chopped off wedding dress? Who could have had bigger problems than this? Not me, I’m glad to say. So I turned up the thermostat, watched Britney’s escapades, and pondered Kateee! Holmes new short haircut.


Dry but cold in beautiful north Texas. Even T. Boone Pickens can’t make it rain here, although he can harvest the wind for profit. Britney was going about the business of club hopping, running over photographers in her Mercedes, and just in general making a big fool of herself. Then her dad moved in just after he cut things off with his former girl friend and his love child, NO WAIT, that was LindSAY LoHan’s dad? Does anyone know….is this the same person? No matter, in the world of celebrity. This was like an episode of House Something. I kept the faith for Britney though.

In real life, Bill Clinton came here to campaign for Hillary who had said she wasn’t going to run for president, but then did that anyway. I stood in a short line to get inside, listened to his speech which was quite inspiring, shook his hand and went back home to see what new things Britney was into and what the state of the country really was.  2008 continues….

Published inpoetry