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Veering on the Variables

The absolute value of x is x




This is as true today

as perhaps eons ago

I’ll admit that I have trouble

with x

It’s like a tall, masked Zoro

but is it just a letter

or an imposter for a number?

If a number line reaches into infinity

is it a place worth going

if I could be twenty-two again

on the number line

or would I find myself at ninety?

What is the absolute value of 90?

It would likely be ninety in the bones

in the remnants of strong teeth

in the soft corners of bent memory

What is the absolute value of -1

is it just one?

Just one heart-shaped candy box

one blind date

one failed date

one less to worry about

What is the absolute value of five?

Five letters

five letters that spell black

black for the color of the hoodie

a boy is wearing that says,

“God is a woman”

the exact value of God

coming from three letters

Perhaps it is best not to go

skipping around on a number line

teetering into infinity

in both directions

Published inpoetry

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  1. I loved this one, Lana, meandering through math and time and space and what gives it all value. The -1 part stuck with me after, and the black hoodie, also the part about infinity turning you “ninety in the bones / in the remnants of strong teeth / in the soft corners of bent memory.” 🙂

    • Thanks Joan! You know, when you send the English Lit person in to tutor for math, this is just what happens. A similar thing occurred one time when I was trying to write a Sci-Fi story. It turned into a story with water vampires.

      • Nothing like a change of subject to shake things up a little, LOL. My dad was a math teacher for 30 years, and would have felt just as lost if he had to tutor poetry students, counting syllables and trying to think of something that rhymes with hypotenuse. 🙂

        • Oh yes, I bet he would have. On the other hand, I suppose it gives us a chance to work the other side of the brain, haha! But man, rhyming with hypotenuse, that would be formidable.

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