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Meanwhile….Friday Nights in Texas

“Well we executed on special teams and minimized turnovers, and I was feeling, you know…special, and then next thing you know that ball came out of the night sky, like a missile of promise, a leather wrapped grail, and I knew it was up to me to grab hold of it, I had to bleed black and gold, I had to dig way down and find the core of my being and focus on what was best for the school, for the town, and well, for America in general, and face those 300 pound Jackrabbits, and really why is Jackrabbit a scary mascot…but I digressAAustenside…because it is not just football, at least in the south, it is a tradition of battle, passed down from generations to those of us that now run the field….it’s our season” He said….

Published inpoetry