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Rock Photos – A Year of Music

2014-2015 has been a pretty good year, I must say.  I got to see several concerts over the past year, which is unusual for me.  Cell phone cameras have improved so that it is quite possible to get good photos even from the nosebleed section.  I have a lot of fun taking photos of the people at the shows too.  Since I am behind on my writing, I thought I would share a few photos: Aerosmith – August, 2014 Joe Perry Joe Perry on guitar… Drummer Aero How about a little drumming action? Aero Top And the view from the top, lights, action, crowd 🙂 Paul McCartney, September 2014 – I can die happy now! Paul MC Sadly, my I was phone-challenged that night and didn’t get many good photos of the Paul concert 🙁 Paul MC Crowd The crowd to see Paul….and just the other day, I heard about an interview where his former wife was saying that he “had a few good songs in the 1960s, but he is hardly relevant anymore”  Really?  A few good songs?  Don’t make me laugh! Alice Cooper – February 2015 AC One AC Two A little purple haze….yes, they were that good! AC Three The Vaudevillian still rocks! "                               " In the end, he was just a super nice guy! Thanks for stopping by and viewing my year of fun in music!

Published inmusiciansrock music

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  1. Awesome! Rock concerts have gotten so expensive that we can’t really afford tickets for the whole family so I usually let my husband take my son while I stay home.

    • That is so true, they are very expensive. This was an unusual year for me, and a few really good bands have ventured out to our little town so some of the tickets have been affordable. (Not Aerosmith or Paul, ha ha, but Alice actually came here.) It is wonderful that your son gets to see some great bands and hear some good music…today’s popular music isn’t necessarily my cup of tea!

      • Yes, I agree! Usually he sees the classic rock/heavy metal musicians that still tour, you know, of my generation, or else he likes the really heavy heavy metal that is coming out now. To me, it is better than listening to some of the new indie stuff, but I have a hard time telling one song from another! Nothing really memorable in the music.

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