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Short is the Word

I’m declaring it short poetry week…why, you ask? Well because my Internet service is changing over and I have to type on my phone. I’m thinking that’s a good reason,  so without further ado, forgive my clumsiness at this particular art form.
I feel moments lost
as the dark creeps in early
summer wanes in evening
Black birds gather there
against a darkening sky
fall looms at the door

Published inpoetry

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  1. They say that less is more difficult than more. I like it either way. Hope your internet service gets changed quickly. Blogging on the phone can be difficult.

  2. Nice, i really like short poetry, meter and rhythm structure of long poetry has me stumped sometimes lol its seems so daunting and complex ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. I love this…very effective. I think when I opt for ‘short,’ it’s much more effective. There’s something enticing about what isn’t said. I think that makes sense.

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