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Through the Window

Mesh wire laced windows
with pulley closures
like Popeye the Sailor Man
rigged them up
sun streaming on the gym floor
basketball goals sans nets
inner city school in a town
that doesn’t know it’s a city
disconnected masses
someone asks
“Howya doin’ Miss?”
if they slip by
they’ll wander the dungeons
of this old school
linger in its haunted auditorium
spirits leftover from the 1920s
are we here the sum total
of its morter and brick?
living off the glorified past
of its now defunct alumni
no one here drives those
oak-lined streets now
glimpse through the spruce hedge
that deflects the wind
see a real life hustle outside
every year closes out the former
as decades carve themselves
upon stone memorbilia
and those that remain
climb the fracture-laden cracked steps
meeting the struggle
transcending time

Published inpoetryPoetryschool

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  1. I hear that now they have metal detectors by the doors of my old high school. How times have changed… Beautifully written as always.

  2. I like the details which are not nostalgic just description until the end, Lana. There is a tone of wistfulness, in the chosen “fractured-laden cracked steps” and “meeting the struggle transcending time.” I tend to “over-sentimentalize.” Happy Hump day tomorrow 🙂

    • Thanks Robin. The melancholy follows me quite a bit. There is an over whelming need there, that is difficult to meet, maybe not impossible, but as a famous politician once said…”It takes a village…”

      • I understand some feelings of melsncholy. I get this way as winter sets in. I force myself to get out in the weather, Lana. Once I get fresh air and stop shivering, I start to feel better. Otherwise, I take comfort in a book or movie. I hope to not cocoon too much or be a couch potato! 🙂

  3. Childhood hopes and dreams languishing in their old school dungeons. And kids not realising how how great they (the town/city line) and Popeye’s riggin. Tremendous as ever LT.

    • Thanks again, Phil. We have a school that was built in 1899. It has many nooks and crannies, and it is actually supposed to be haunted. I am there quite a bit, and when I’m there, my imagination wanders the halls….

  4. Oh I’m not going to stumble across a school themed horror story on my travels around your blog am I? Ooh err, thanks for the warning. Daylight reading in company from now on 🙂

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