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French Country

Breauman saunters out
full step
amidst wafting smells
of fresh cut hay
scratchy suit
rough hewn like him
brim of his hat
tasting the salt sweat
of his skin
the hat blocking
a last glimmer
of early autumn sun
church bells ring in the
effervescence of evening time
music now streaming through air
Colette will be at the dance
sashaying in silk and taffeta
a tinge of red wine
on her tongue
he will spy her there
as he samples cheeses and berries
displaying his skill at evaluating
fromage while letting
the taste of berries
quench his lips for now
lavender-894919_1280 (1)

Published inartistsfictionpoetryPoetry

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  1. At first I assumed these were characters from a novel but after googling, I find that they are made up in your mind. Well done! Very vivid imagery!

  2. This is a poetic short story and I was totally engrossed, beautifully written. Just one complaint – it is too short!! More please. Is this something you’re thinking of extending??

    • Thanks so much. I wrote this while looking at Van Gogh’s paintings. When I wrote it, I had not thought of a complete story…I may have to see if I can take it further. Thanks for reading!

  3. I really liked your snippet of a short story. One I would read more of and enjoy, Lana. There are work study grants and I would be so excited for you to go to France.I wonder can your rock musician guy take you and play in local cafes? ๐Ÿ™‚

    • I wish I could get one of those grants….I think I could surely do a better job in the south of France. He would probably enjoy playing his music over there too, he likes playing it anywhere ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for the compliment…I may have to revisit this one again.

      • Well, we can dream of your South of France teaching and writing experience while weekends you would listen to your sweetie play at local cafes. <3 <3

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