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Into the Night

There she was
appearing again
standing in the half-light
the moon in her hand.
Honeysuckle watfting
intense white
in the night.
Dreams speak of dragons
most honorable knight
diffusing dense magic
in the sultry moonlight.
A goddess of mystery,
a Centaur’s daughter
a Giver of Forgiveness,
a Crafter of Disorder.
Intoxicating thoughts,
a cosmic creation,
reality borders blurred
mind topples
from concentration.
From supernatural,
she comes
as myths she creates
feigned innocence at once
in tempting the Fates.
Reaching towards infinity
grasping thin air
like a dove in flight
a mermaid so fair.
And on distant dreams
such fairy children go
showering imagination
melting memories in tow.

Published infantasyMagicmysteryPoetrypoetry

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  1. She has a wide variety of gifts and characteristics, Lana. What may be a study of contradictions. The beginning of a fascinating story behind her legend. ๐Ÿ™‚

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