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So there we were, already locked into it, no backing out now.
“It’s the course we are on, sorta call it Manifest Destiny,” I said to Lisa.
“Umm, will we be back before six? I really have to be back,” she said.
“We may never come back. We will become space travelers, locked into another layer of time, caught in a cycle of cosmic fate,” I answered.
“Who made you freaking Rod Sterling?” she asked.
“Embrace this, just open your feeble little mind and let go.” I gave her a long, hard look.
“I’m telling! …….. ย Mom!”

Published infictionpoetry

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  1. Haha…love the twist, Lana! Lisa better learn to enjoy these games as I imagine her childhood will be spent being an apprentice to her storyteller sibling!

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