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Revisiting the Fog

The freezing fog
does not come in on little cat feet,
it comes in
on the razor’s edge of
a hungry coyote’s tooth
and hangs over
the dormant trees
biting them
with ashen grief
the cold is bitter
the distance is dim
the world is brittle and frozen
as if everything might snap apart
like fragile frozen icicles
but here we wait
on what seems to be
the edge of the world
the brim of oblivion
in anticipation
for winter to retract it’s cold, dead fingers
and lend us hope
for a forgiving spring
with puffy cotton clouds
and scattered diamond raindrops
I’m re-posting this winter poem from a long time ago.  As we are approaching the first of August and a long forecast of extended heat, I’m attempting to fool myself into imagining something cooler.  Winter memories, but I still maintain that summer is my favorite season.

Published inpoetryPoetry

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  1. Jim Jim

    don’t rush it. this is central Minnesota and it will be “cool” enough soon enough

  2. About 3 quarters through the poem I started thinking ‘this has to be an old post!’ Wishing you cool thoughts where you are!

  3. Oh, I needed that right now at the end of July with August ready to take its place even hotter! Excellent descriptions! I prefer the heat also and dread January. Cheers for the weekend – the heat is a good excuse for margaritas!

    • Yeah, I thought it might help to visualize a nice snow storm. I agree, I’m not too fond of January or February either, although I do like Valentine’s Day and all the chocolate. Margaritas would be a great way to cool off. I hope you have an enjoyable weekend!

  4. Um, maybe you need an ice cream cone? Or a nice slice of watermelon? Freezing fog isn’t something I’m looking forward to. But I do remember Texas heat — and the weather folks are already saying the next THREE months will be warmer than average. Sigh.

  5. Ice cream cone sounds great! Yeah, all kidding aside, I literally hate winter. The cold goes right through me. I do just fine in the summer, especially if I stay inside, ha ha, which I may be doing quite a bit of in August, for sure.

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