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Defining Gravity

There was a time
when evening lay easily
upon the thread of time.
When she and I
would sit high atop
castle walls
surveying the neighborhood kingdom below.
Remarking on
growing children
aging parents
life’s little patterns
unfolding along the cusp
of destiny.
We were like air
escaping gravity at such heights
oblivious to wolf disguised surprises
living in present moments
at peace with
a small existence
where life unfolded
with Joe’s eighties soundtrack
wafting along the rooftops
on Saturday nights.
In the world where
lawn mowers hummed
crepe myrtles flaunted
their tiny pink promise flowers.
This was before
we would know that
this summer would be
the last one for her
that she would become unfettered
in another world
under another sky
no longer bound
by gravity.

Published inpoemspoetryPoetry

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  1. Oh man, keep reminding us that summer’s ending! There is another 6 weeks you know…although it seems all over when my daughter has to go back to school which is next Monday already! Not sure why they are doing this to the school year…but i digress…beautifully written as always!

  2. You never know which summer might be your last… glad you two enjoyed it and you have happy memories to look back on. I love the ethereal quality of this, just sitting and watching life unfold. Another beautiful piece, LT. πŸ™‚

  3. Jim Jim

    nice post.
    “crepe” myrtles flaunted … I initially read it as “creepy”.
    nice pic. did you take that?

  4. Lana, this is such a beautiful poem – very moving and a light deftness. Oh, how it speaks the truth and reading your comments see how sadness is part of your summer this year. So sorry to read this – sudden loss is impossible to comprehend.

  5. The poem skillfully takes the reader through a variety of emotions. Your play on “gravity” unifies the piece. It seems that gravity can be a good or bad thing, depending on the situation, so I’d guess that defining it can be complicated.

  6. Defining gravity is like trying to define death. Your words pulled us upward and gently let us down. One never knows when one will have to let go of this earthly form. I really like the Desert Bird of Paradise that came up on your header this time. They were common when I as growing up in South Texas and now I have some in my yard…a bit of childhood memories. Have a good weekend and try to stay cool in this August heat. No hurricanes in sight so far but we could use a good tropical storm to bring some rain. Most of the cotton and grain have been cut so the farmers would not mind too much.

    • That is so true, we just never know. I love those Bird of Paradise trees, that one belongs to a neighbor down the street. I have too much shade in my yard to grow one πŸ™ We certainly could use a good cooling rain. I hope you also have a lovely weekend!

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