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Down the Alley

This alley stretches long
starting from the small, scrub houses
past the old man’s semi shack
his possessions spilling
willy nilly
into the grass forsaken yard.
Ramblers travel this alley
from the postwar huts
to up behind
the 1920 mansions
with pool courtyards
brimming with
moss roses and sweet potato ivy.
Make me a laurel
of purple sage blooms
and moon flowers.
On these blocks
down they go,
alley wise and seeking.
The drifters, the treasure hunters,
the ab-fit joggers
tracing its path
from decay to grace
the madams and marsupials
night creatures
delve into the alley place
as the mansion owners rest
in money sleep.
In the light of day,
traffic slows
from the cracked, overgrown
meager origin
to the pristinely paved ending
and that is where
I find the opossum
now decaying
unlucky nomad
who was busy
about in the laurel flowers
meeting his end
with restless canines
consorting in the night.

Published inpoetryshort stories

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  1. Busy place, this alley! Lana, I love your descriptions — all except the possum. Those things I can do without *shivers* Their slick skin, pointed noses, whip-like tails, and staring eyes frankly give me the willies — and no way will I let Dallas out in the yard if I see one roaming about. Have a splendid weekend!

    • It is rather busy, ha ha. Yes possums are freaky….I think they hiss too. I’m not a big fan of them, either. Well, have a super and preferably possum free weekend!

    • Thank you so much. You have such an eye for pulling out details, I always enjoy your gracious comments on my work. I hope you have a lovely weekend πŸ™‚

  2. Very realistic. Is the painting yours? I like it. Reminds me of Carl Sandburg: “The fog comes / on little cat feet. / It sits looking / over harbor and city / on silent haunches / and then moves on.

    • Oh, I love that poem! I even wrote a winter tribute to it, of course, ha ha. No, the painting isn’t mine, I wish I could paint like that. I use Pixabay for my images, they have a wonderful collection, and they are all free to use, if you would like to check them out. I do paint along with the Art Sherpa on YouTube, as a hobby. It is fun and relaxing, and I can even manage to turn out something that looks okay. Thank you for reading, I always enjoy your comments, and I think you are a very talented writer.

    • Thanks D. D….I was just about to let you know that I had penned my first possum post, ha ha. I really wasn’t sure what to do with the poor fellow. I did embellish the alley going ons a bit, but that place does get a lot of traffic. Glad you liked it!

    • Thank you Derrick. I recently came across an unfortunate possum, and the Desert Dweller said I should write about it, so I did, and this is what I came up with πŸ™‚

    • I agree, poor thing. I always hate finding animals like that. I like the painting also. I use Pixabay for images as they are free to use. You can check them out, if you haven’t already. When it first started, they did not have many, but it seems they have added quite a bit. Thanks so much for reading!

  3. Awesome poem, Lana. A huge variety of life in that alley and then the stark decay hidden among the laurels. Lots of subtlety and meaning in the contrast.

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