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A Haint, You Say?

Driving about as if under a spell
finding myself alone
on the Highway to Hell
Realizing exactly what I knew
love is kinda crazy
with a spooky creep like you
I exit to the right,
quite as a mouse
Then find myself confronting
a haunted house
I was already there,
thought I’d give it a spin
got out of the car
and went right on in
Is this where you go
when you fear the reaper?
or where you might escape
from The Purple People Eater?
Lo and behold – whom should I meet?
A fellow with one big eye
and two big feet.
The room was fuzzy
and started to get cold
he came up doing the Freeze,
then the Stroll
He smiled right at me
like we were the best of chums
and said,
“Don’t be here when the mornin’ comes”
Ghost guy like magic,
ghost guy had clout
drank hot coffee
right from the spout
I don’t entertain ghosts,
I miss the sun
So I decided not to be there
when the mornin’ comes…

Published inhumorpoetryPoetry


  1. I am totally cracking up right now–we had a Ray Stevens record when I was a kid and this was on it. Love how your poem echoes the “spirit” of the song. Well done! πŸ™‚

      • Had to look up your Word of the Day. Turns out, ol’ Oxford says there hain’t no such thing (unless you count slang for ain’t). Urban Dictionary to the rescue! According to them, it’s a Southern colloquialism for a ghost, apparition, or lost soul. And a great rhyme for faint, which I’d probably do if I ever saw one! πŸ™‚

    • Thanks Bernadette, fun songs for sure. I did one about Monster Mash last year, I’ll probably reblog it. I did several Halloween poems last year, but inspiration is lacking currently.

  2. Brilliant!! Love the way you’ve woven phrases from old songs into this one — that just might be perfect for Halloween!!

  3. Lana, really enjoyed your piece and the song is great – what fun! A new one to me and one I’ll share with the family. There will laughs all round.

    • Thank you, Annika. It really is a fun song, and I liked the video that I found for it. I’m a big fan of vintage Halloween songs, actually I like old songs in general. Glad you enjoyed it!

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    Thanks and keep writing.

    • Well thank you so much for the wonderful compliment and for reading and following my blog. My blog is a bit diverse, ha ha, so I am always trying something different. I will also be excited to check your blog out. Thank you again, and it is wonderful to meet you on WordPress!

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