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Monster Mash Invasion Redux

Imagine my surprise
late one night
out shopping all day
home within sight
My house all lit up
as if a party was on
there in my car
I was all alone
Nevertheless, I went inside
with what greeted me
no place to hide
Party on full
lights on bright
a host of monsters
gave me a fright!
For while I was out,
spending my cash
My home became host
to the Monster Mash
There was Frankie and Lilith
dancing a twirl
and Igor and Dracula
biting a girl
My antique lamp toppled
green slime on the rug
my shock when the
Wolfman asked for a hug
Frankenstein and a goblin
macarena dancing
Jason and a witch
Halloween romancing
Frankie said for you,
“This mash was meant too”
I had nowhere to run
and what could I do?
I sampled witches’ brew
that I think was plain rum
declined the frog legs
played Wipe Out on drums
Elviria said,
“Wear this on your head”
a sequined headband
for the Day of the Dead
Three little ghosts ran
my cat down the hall
Chucky in the corner said,
“You’re nothing at all.”
I was beginning to worry
wondering if they would stay
but as it happens
they vanished before day
If you come home one night
to a Monster Mash Ball
disquietude, destruction
and an all out brawl
Nothing can you do
nowhere to run
Let it all hang out
and have some fun!


Published inhumorpoetryPoetry


  1. My answering machine message in college was Monster Mash, which frustrated the shit out of everyone because I made them listen to almost a minute of it. I figured the people I didn’t want to hear from would just hang up. It worked.

  2. If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em, eh Lana? Sounds like a blast. And a new song to chase Haunted House out of my head! That Haint became quite the earworm. πŸ™‚

    • Well Haunted House is such a good one, ha ha. I really like the Jerry Lee version, and it can linger in your head for a while for sure. Monster Mash is a good one too, it may be my favorite πŸ˜€

  3. What scary fun! This afternoon I will be going to a Dia de los Muertos Street Festival in Corpus Christi to get into the spirit. Have a good weekend!

  4. I was so happy to read how many Halloween references you included! I love Elvira and the green frogs along with rum drinks. I would love to listen to these words sung by the Cheesebergens, with Marissa wearing Addams’ family mother, Morticia’s costume! I forget did you add the (hand) “Thing?!”

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