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  1. Rob Rob

    loved the word choice for the beginning of each line. I also loved the last two lines, really evocative.

  2. Wonderful, Lana – can I join you there? ‘Marshmallow clouds’, ‘phantom ship’ – evoking the Magical, the surreal. Alas a place so popular it would soon not be far from humans at all. Oh, love this song too..thank you for sharing. πŸ˜€

  3. The clouds are so magical when they puff out so beautifully. They do look like marshmallows! I will stay grounded here on Earth. I couldn’t bear to leave my grandies, even in a fantasy dream! πŸ™‚

    • We are truly blessed with glorious sky both day and night. Then there is the here and now, and it has its own beautiful things….like grandchildren. Thanks Robin πŸ˜€

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