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Winter Again

Must we really
gird up against
those cold, gray skies
bag up the hours
recycling them into
the same old hassle
world strung from a tassel
candy coating liars gloating
oh, but here they are
in new outfits
smiling like all of us
are not caught
in the hamster wheel
a new season
with the same tired faces
now fraught
with icy drafts
enveloped by cold shrugs
letting frosty winter
with its frozen chill
cut right into
these hollow bones

Published inpoetryPoetry


    • I’ll take the sunshine. Winter is so not my thing. It is just about to arrive here, the forecasted low Thursday morning was 17 degrees. 17 is not a temperature here, it’s a quarterback number. These fronts come in, last 2 or 3 days, kill all the flowers and grass, then it’s 60 degrees again. ..just annoying like the TV pundits, lol.

  1. “with the same tired faces now fraught with icy drafts enveloped by cold shrugs letting frosty winter with its frozen chill cut right into these hollow bones” That is beautiful imagery. I also love the pairing of your poem with “A Hazy Shade of Winter.” Perfect!

    • Yep Diana, me being cheerful once again, ha ha. Can you tell winter is not my season? Our forecasted low for later this week was 17, it has since been changed to 20 degrees so see how it’s improving already, ha ha.

        • Every now and then it can. 20 and 30 degrees are typical lows but usually happen in January and February. This will be our first “freeze” for the season. I still have roses and morning glory blooming…until Wednesday or so. πŸ˜€

  2. Oh LT, I initially loved this. This leap frogged everything I’d liked before to become my all time favourite Christmas related poem. And now you claim it’s only about Winter? Bah humbug. (I still like it immensely) πŸ™‚

    • I will probably catch the spirit before Christmas actually gets here, surely I will adjust to winter by then. The closer it gets to March, the happier I become, ha ha. Thank you πŸ˜€

  3. This was lovely in the melancholy tone and mood you set, Lana.
    Cold shrugs, icy drafts and hollow bones. . . . brr-r!
    Well, I want to jump on your bandwagon and say, I would happily move to year-round warm weather. If only one of my family members won the lottery and could transport our whole gang! πŸ™‚

    • We would love to have you, Robin! It can get pretty cold here, although it usually only lasts a few days, then heats up a bit and goes through cycles with a tiny bit of snow through February. I just think it is unfair that we not only have to deal with 105 degrees in the summer, but sometimes 20 degrees in the winter…but as they say, life isn’t fair, ha ha. I hope you and your beautiful family are having a lovely holiday season!

  4. Brrr, this one makes me shiver! Living in Illinois, I know those pesky cold fronts that race across the country. I only wish they’d at least leave the sunshine so I can convince myself it’s not as cold out there as it feels!!

  5. Well done, a mirror of my thoughts. I feel like I’ve been living in this poem since Thanksgiving, recycling the hours, doing the same old holiday hokey pokey, going through motions that leave me cold and broke and exhausted. Next year, it’s going to be different… (just like I say every year). πŸ™‚

    • I say that every year too, ha ha. This is right after I say I’m moving from this town every year, also. Thanks so much…wishing you a nice break during this very familiar time πŸ˜€

    • Thank you so much for the compliment and for reading. I live in the South where winter hits, but usually only stays a few days then the temperature climbs again. It was 78 degrees on Christmas Day!

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