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You see the world
in measured meters
stalled there
under a sonnet sky
toying with lyrical beginnings
folding stanzas
grasping slowly drowned metaphors
The answer is found
pouring out elegy
in couplets
seeking to build
just one octave higher
from the broken notes
of sunken rhythm
You toss blank verse far
ensnaring those
who should know better
life running like
an unresolved epic
beguiling imagery
colored by filters
and torn into fragments.

Published inpoetry


  1. Lana, this is fabulous – a wonderful poem about poetic forms…how did you think of this? How did you manage to write it? Wow! Beaming away at this unusual poem…not torn at all, a perfect whole!

    • Well thank you so much, Annika for those kind words. It is just something that came to me in my daily writing. I guess it is a bit experimental. …so glad you liked it!

  2. I like the track and field imagery that accompanies this, LT. The ‘measured meters’, ‘lyrical beginnings’ (the race starting on ‘the b of bang’ to quote Colin Jackcon/Lynford Christie). ‘Grasping slowly drowned metaphors’ can only mean catching up to other runners, can’t it! I enjoy sport so apologise if I’ve run out of my lane on this but either way, I thoroughly enjoyed another excellent piece.

  3. I like the shape of this one almost as much as its words, Lana! It bobs and weaves, and it gave me no idea where you were heading until I reached the end. Well written, my friend!

    • Thank you so much, Debbie. When I first penned it, I couldn’t decide quite how I felt about it…I do find the many poetic terms, forms and phrases, really fascinating.

  4. The double entendre is so clever, Lana! Also, I love how this piece describes the relationship of poet and reader, how the reader’s own experience colors the words. ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. no illusions of easy happiness in this poem. it challenges the reader to beware of “beguiling imagery/ colored by filters/ and torn into fragments.” the poem is serious and has important ideas to relate. (the dark text on the dark pyramid accompanying the poem seems serious, as well.) i have been following your blog for months now, and i am impressed with the range of what you write.

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