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Small Poems

Songs of Seas 

Songs of serene seas

trapped within confines of shell

seek slim strands of shore

  Doves in Flight

Doves linger long there

silky wayward treading air

into dreamscape flight

I was all set to write a few haikus….then I did a reverse of the syllable count and realized, they weren’t haikus.  Then I tried to fix them.  I might have fixed them….but then I decided if they don’t exactly fit, they could be renamed to:  Alternative Haikus.

Published inhaikuspoetryPoetry

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  1. Beautiful word pictures, Lana. The alliteration of the first is alluring. 🙂 I guess you could call these “alternative” haiku, but poetry is the kind of business where rules are made to be broken. A good friend who writes a lot of Haiku for publication says 5-7-5 is thought to be too rigid, now it’s just short-long-short without particular regard to the syllables. I take my liberties in the area of slant vs true rhyming.

    • Well super cool, I like the idea of short-long-short. You have great command of the many forms of poetry, I am in awe. I have tried a couple of your recent ones, including the Fib….yours is much better…but maybe I’ll post it if I run out of material, lol. I think my strength is “story poems.” I adore slant rhymes! Thank you, Joan!

    • Thanks Dave. I think I managed to revise them once I saw they were reversed, but I didn’t take the time to check so I wasn’t sure….then I remembered the alternative world we dwell in and thought they might still work :- D

  2. Beautiful alternative Haikus!! Great work dear.Hey i have stared my own blog ( The Diary of the fallen soul). Please visit my blog and if you like it please follow me:). But you are free to refuse. Cheers mate!!

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