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In the strawberry-hued

fields of youth

you sat there

painted girl

with flowers in your hair

lavender swirling

in the sky

with soft fury

Princess, they said

with cat’s eyes

and porcelain skin

fancy finery

subtly gazing


peering upward

watching clouds

melt into castles

Such bounteous flowers

heavy adornment

a passion princess


a free and easy


Fields of flowers and finery

draped in illusion

Princess Rain herself

melts away

even as her hand

slips from your

unbelieving grasp

Wrath’s dagger strikes quickly

before the evening storms

shutter the fragile future

Published inpoetryPoetry

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  1. I should never comment when I haven’t had enough sleep, but I’m finding this one especially hard to understand. Perhaps if you can share a glimpse into your thought process I might comprehend what’s going on here??

    • Oh, I’m afraid I know the sleep thing all too well. Story of my life, now I have insomnia so it is ironic that the only time that I could get a little sleep, now I can’t. Poetry can sometimes mean something that you can’t quite put your finger on, sometimes it may not mean much, I suppose that is both the strength and weakness of it. This particular poem is based on an actual Facebook picture of an unbelievably beautiful young girl sitting in a field of flowers with an incredible headdress also of flowers. I didn’t use the word, headdress, as I had recently used it in another poem. This girl is about to leave home to go out into the world (and you know how cheery I tend to be about the future especially now). The one who looses her hand could either be a father or a lover, you can take your pick there. So basically, life may or may not be a fairytale after the storms come in, that’s about it. Hope that helps πŸ˜€

      • How I love your explanation, Lana! I never considered myself much of a poet; that’s one reason I attempt to write some verse, to step out of my comfort zone. Perhaps I should have listened more attentively in class so I’d be more cognizant of the many nuances. Anyway, thank you for taking time to explain — now it makes more sense!!

        • No problem. That’s exactly why I write it also. I never wrote that much poetry until WordPress. My prose excerpts were also never very strong on description and sensory details, and I feel like writing poetry will help me there. Speaking of poetry class, this particular poem is also echoing a bit of Frost, Nothing Gold Can Stay. I love that one!

  2. The anger beneath the beauty isn’t as strange as it may seem. Great tension building in this. I agree with Marissa. It has a fairy tale feel.

  3. I enjoyed the daydreamy feel of this, pink and purple kaleidoscopic imagery where the princess might be a girl, or raindrops, or both. I especially liked “soft fury” and “Princess Rain herself / melts away / even as her hand / slips from your / unbelieving grasp.” It reminded me of childhood when Mom would say “the rain won’t hurt you. You’re not sugar, you won’t melt.” πŸ™‚

  4. Tim Kim @ Tub of Cash Tim Kim @ Tub of Cash

    I like it =) Not sure if I’m understanding the meaning fully. But I guess poems are kinda like that; interpretation is up to the eye of the beholder I guess. A bit of a twist at the end, lol.

    • Thanks Tim, and yes you are correct on all counts. Poetry interpretation is definitely up to the eyes of the beholder. The ending here, those unpredictable storms can always ruin a good afternoon of flower gazing in a field of flowers, lol. You probably can’t tell, but I do write a lot of humor too πŸ˜€

    • That is one of those weird poems. I think I may have to revise it some. I did put the explanation of a young girl sitting in a field in the comments if you would like to look. In response to Debbie’s question.

      • Yes, I saw your explanation, but last night when I was in bed reading my book, I thought, hmm, I need to go back and read Lana’s poem, the thing about the girl is till not clear to me hahaha!

  5. I love the imagery your beautiful poem provokes in my head, Lana! ItΒ΄s like I can see it all happening right before my eyes. Enchanting! πŸ™‚

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