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Fury of the Tempest

They built their cities

on the edge of the sea

in a time when

the sun smoldered long

casting shades of fury

upon the land

torrid heat in the water

churned an agonizing glory

What comes to the shore

in a rage and rushing blast

has buried ancient cities

and obliterated their past

The cadence of time

is now salty water torn

at the bottom of the ocean

lost souls mold

to water forms


Published inpoetryPoetry

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  1. Nice to be on the water, but only if you accept the power of Nature (and realize that everything is subject to loss). Gee, that sounds depressing, doesn’t it, when I should just compliment you on this strong image!!

    • This poem is a mixture of current weather issues and ancient cities. I have always fantasized about a cottage by the sea, but it is true, everything would be subject to loss and that would be too great for working people…..but I guess we can still dream how wonderful it would be to live by the sea 😀

  2. The ocean offers so much serenity, yet can unleash a wrath – similar to how hurricanes are formed. Great piece Lana. 🙂 xx

  3. This poem makes me feel like I’m underwater, exploring a lost civilization. I love the oxymoronic fire of “agonizing glory” and the notion that “salty water” can somehow be “torn / at the bottom of the ocean.” You’ve got a gift, Lana. Beautiful. 🙂

  4. Lana, this is a terrific poem capturing the force of destruction of places long since buried beneath the sea…I love the idea of ‘The cadence of time’ – wonderful phrase. Hope you’re having a lovely day… 😀❤️

    • Thank you so much, Annika. I have always been fascinated by the idea of Atlantis and in light of recent storms, wondered if there were possibly ancient sea cities that were buried this way. Happy weekend to you! 😀

  5. So powerful, Lana! Your words always create such strong images in my head, I always feel like I´m right there watching those ancient cities being destroyed… I´ve been to Santorini many years ago and watched part of the excavation there. It´s been both a wonderful and sad experience – to know that this ancient civilization was destroyed in a matter of minutes, just like Pompey, and yet to be able to wonder at the achievements and wonders of that time… made it a bitter-sweet experience.
    I also would love to have a little cottage by the sea but only on said high cliff, just to be sure 😉 xxx

    • Oh wow, Sarah. What an experience to get to visit Santorini. I can imagine that it would be bittersweet indeed. I guess the big plus in the modern world is that people do now know that the storms are coming and how bad they are projected to be, they certainly did not have that advantage back then. I think a cottage on a cliff would work great! Thank you so much, Sarah 😀 xo

      • We actually stayed on Creta but made this memorable day trip to Santorini which was one of the best things I ever did! The Greek Sea and Isles are really beautiful beyond believe. 🙂
        xoxo 🙂

  6. I love your poem Lana! It is a powerful message. I think it is about time that men calms down from destroying nature. Humankind is not only the living thing on the planet earth. Nature also are living things, and they can sense, see, hear what men are doing. Therefore from time to time, nature is beating us so hard, but do men understand what is happening and why? I think we are taking spaces that we should leave for nature only! Thank you for posting!

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