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Postage Stamps

I find in the middle drawer

of an antique chest

an envelope of postage stamps

that my mother

forgot she had

The pink rose ones

dated 1998

one Kwanzaa

two Snow White

and a stamp

that simply boasts,

“First Class”

It is easy to see

how forgotten things

fall to the bottom

of a drawer

like silent ashes

as we scrambled

through long, summer days

never comprehending

this was the time

all the time

the only time

to live

My mother used to walk

to the post office

back then

before the decay of bones

before the demands of mortality


she walked

around the filed rows

of the 1950s combination boxes

with dials

her shoes clicking

on the tiles

the Postwoman smiling

the soft drawl

of morning pleasantries

a clatter of mail

piling into boxes

the combining of new stamps

going out to find

unique hiding places

Then out through

the frosted glass doors

she walked

the fall leaves swirling

in wild wind dance

upon the streets

I can no longer find

as the images of dates

and stamps

merge and melt

into soft swirls

of what once was

Published inpoetryPoetry

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  1. Who knew old stamps could bring back memories so deep. Your writing is beautiful and so are you. I’m an up and coming writer and you would certainly boost my confidence if you stopped by my blog and read, The Writers Block. Hope to see you there, be careful though it’s crowded. We wouldnt want to start a stampede. Get it?

    • Thank you so much. I will definitely stop by for a blog visit. Oh yes, the stampede, I’m familiar with that. It takes a few years to build a blogging community. You’ll get there 😀

  2. These were my favorite lines: “never comprehending / this was the time / all the time / the only time / to live.” Very profound, Lana. We never think about time while it’s happening. When it runs out, there are always little leftovers, ordinary surprises, as you go through drawers, cupboards, closets. Memories to hold onto. 🙂

    • That is very true, we don’t think about it until it is over and we can never have those days again. It is interesting what you find when going through someone’s things, what they forgot, what they hold onto. Thank you so much, Joan 😀

        • Hi Mek! Oh I know how it is, I haven’t been able lately to visit as many blogs as I like to read either. The daily grind takes a toll, but I will get back to it, and that is what we all strive to do. I hope you are doing well, enjoying the season and having tons of fun with your son! xo

          • I’m well thanks. Summer has started here with a cold turn and lots of rain- much colder than recent weeks of spring we have had. Yes, enjoying fun times with my son too. I have been grappling with parenting techniques when he plays up-still not got it right yet in terms of dealing with toddler behaviour- anyway, long story short, this weekend, threats of no dvd watching were doled out and I stuck to my guns. The world didn’t cave in, and he actually stopped demanding screen time, accepting the new norm! We ended up spending a lot nicer times together (between tantrums). I am definitely going to make 1 or maybe 2 days a week of no screen time whatsoever. I don’t even watch TV myself and haven’t for years, but having no family connections around here for support, the little time he watches cartoons is a little respite. Sigh. I’ve learnt some important lessons about being more present and immersing in play with him too…

            What does the daily grind involve for you?

          • Oh yes, the screen time challenge. I only had to worry with that with my last child since it wasn’t an issue with the older ones (before the age of technology dependence), although of course, there has always been the TV. I don’t watch it much anymore, either. My daily grind is work for 8 hours, then home (or sometimes to the grocery to buy supplies). I have too many pets, but they were all rescued and essentially are my children now, but it does take time to care for them. I get a bit of exercise (but not enough, sigh). After pet care, dinner, house chores, I end up with about 2 hours which is all the time I have to do things that I have to do, blog, write or craft jewelry. Two hours just doesn’t seem enough time especially if you have to edit anything or do any on-line work (as I have to do also for my teaching license). If I stay up past that 2 hours, I really suffer the next day. Oh well, at least I have a couple hours, and I shouldn’t complain. It is nothing like being a working mom with a toddler (I’ve done that one too!). Hope you have had a lovely weekend!

  3. Magical and melancholy, Lana. You are gifted writer, weaving between the minuscule details of life, painting with your words, leading us to a deeper spiritual level of contemplation.

    ‘merge and melt

    into soft swirls

    of what once was’


  4. Memories so often come down to the physical details that surrounded them. I have a theory that intense feelings open up the senses like a camera. Music has this effect on me, so I enjoyed your accompanying video …

  5. Beautiful, Lana. Something as simple as stamps and walking to the post office become imbued with memory and emotion. You paint a gentle and deeply poignant picture. Loved it. <3

  6. I’m kind of glad I got here late Lana – I enjoyed seeing my thoughts already left by Joan and Diana …… There’s so much to love about the poem, but those lines stop the breath a moment! I want to copy them out and stick them to the wall …….or meld them into a painting…….

  7. Lana, I can’t tell you how grateful I am for your lovely verse. I was having a Pity Party for having too many things on my ToDo list and not enough Debbie to go around. Your words help put things in perspective. I know my mom won’t be around forever and really, I should just appreciate the times we have together. Blessings and big hugs to you!

    • Awe, thank you so much, Debbie. I’m glad my words helped you. Believe me, I understand how difficult it is to be in a caregiver position, but I know for your mother, it does mean so much. I am grateful that she has you as there are many elderly people out there who don’t have anyone, very sad. I say live every day with a keen eye to appreciate every small detail. Blessings and big hugs back to you, my friend.

    • That is quite true. I was hit with so many emotions when I was going through my mother’s things this summer after she passed away in April. I would love to read your post. Mothers are so special.

  8. Good evening Lana. It was a good read, and you sent me back to down memory lane when I read Postman Pat hahahaha! I was even a stamp collector. but to be honest, most companies these days use franking machines, and seeing letters with stamps on has become so rare – vanished??? And you wrote your post in time for the season that stamps was formerly used a lot. The traditional lifestyle or call it old school upbringing way of life is nowhere to be adhered in what they call “modern world.” Sad. Have a wonderful weekend!

    • Yes Juli, there seems to be so much that we have lost of the old school ways, I do understand that we have gained with technology and such, but I don’t know, I still think we have lost many good things too. Have a wonderful weekend also! xo

  9. I can read your love and sadness in these lines, Lana… so beautiful, it brings tears to my eyes. Yes, there’s only one moment to live in and it is now, we need to remind ourselves more often of this simple though sometimes so hard to grasp a fact. Much much love to you! 😊💕

    • Yes, it is one of those things when life is just happening, and at the time, we think it is just mundane, every day stuff, but if I could give anyone advice, it would be to treasure every day that they have with their loved ones. Much love back to you, Sarah. xoxo

  10. Beautiful story Lana. It’s amazing how finding the smallest remnant left behind from a loved one can trigger a sea of memories. You written this one beautifully. <3

  11. Hi, Lana! I love how the little things can inspire us in so many ways. The haunting imagery and juxtaposition of life and death in your poem moved me. Such a lovely, evocative tribute to the memory of your mother.

    P.S. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I appreciate your insightful comment.

    • Thank you Nadine for the very gracious compliment. These were the exact things I was trying to express. I enjoyed stopping by your blog and reading the interview. Well done!

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