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We have here

rats the size of Nutria

running and hiding in the walls of history

Sometimes, I think I’ll see one

asking out Mary Jane Evans

or cruising in a Mustang

spinning in Caspian blue

black leather seats

pony wheels

At night,

the rodents sneak out

read Chaucer

shake it up a bit

We have

in this room

two flags:

the United States

hanging beside Spain

wrinkled ripples

crease the white

those bright-eyed stars

peering out from a blue sea

of division

We keep the cycles

of days

keep the neighborhood

from decay

take our microscopic spot

on a white star

sometimes we are

the most mammoth rats

in the chamber

our whiskers

in everybody’s business

Published inpoetryPoetry

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  1. Something about these lines… “At night / the rodents sneak out / read Chaucer / shake it up a bit” I giggled at the picture that formed in my head: Ol’ Chaucer letting his hair down, singing karaoke, doing shots with the rats. Also loved the ending, “our whiskers /
    in everybodyโ€™s business.” You got that right. Nicely done, Lana. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Thanks so much, Joan. This poem originally started out when I was writing about a rat problem in a Spanish classroom, LOL. Then I didn’t finish it when I was on that train of thought, and ran across it much later after I had forgotten where I was going with it. So then, I had to go another direction. It works that way sometimes as you probably know. ๐Ÿ˜€

  2. So much to interpret here Lana. I love how you can juxtapose messages in your writing. ๐Ÿ™‚ xx

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