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The line between

gray winter

and bright-eyed spring

dims today

adrift in the chill

of feathery fair-weather clouds

and the short, shrill songs

of rain-soaked birds

Still the regal blooms peek

from underfoot

weeds cavorting as wild flowers

cows calculate

the distance along

a fence line

You can abandon all

in the center of prime land

and silence

cool country purity

scan the distance of miles

enveloping you

reach through the slices

and paint your lost horizons

Published inpoetryPoetry

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  1. Our weather looked just like this yesterday on my dog walk. I was “adrift in the chill / of feathery fair-weather clouds” enjoying the bird songs and the “weeds cavorting as wild flowers.” There’s nothing like silence and cool country purity to restore one’s lost self. Lovely imagery, many memorable lines. Also love how you pair poem and song. There is a public radio program here called Song and Sonnet… my friend Conrad provides the sonnet and the deejay thinks of and plays a related song. πŸ™‚

      • Thanks Lana. It actually has been nice for the past couple days and unseasonably warm – one extreme to another, lol. But they say normal temps shall return in a week (normal mid 60s should be, but happens to be in the 80s these past few days. I’ll take it! πŸ™‚

  2. You’ve painted a beautiful landscape with your words, Lana! And it just looove the last line of your poem!!❀

    • Thanks, Sarah. It is nice to get out into the landscape here during that brief interlude before it becomes too hot which is right around the corner! πŸ˜€

    • Thanks so much, Diana. I wish the mild spring weather would last all summer here, but alas, sigh…. I’ll soon be speeding down the highway enjoying my horizons with the air conditioner blasting and the windows up, LOL πŸ˜€

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