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Defying Gravity

They flocked to her in droves

“Cinderella,” they called.

Their ardor, canned heat.

“Give us a glance

from your golden drapes.

Come, be our Poppy Girl.

Let’s worship the comet sky.

Look there, the stars shine

on the tips of your glass slippers.”

Ah, so many Cinderella

men of sparks and air

chanting coy promises

catching stardust on their fingers.

And again, they came

through the fruit orchards

of hobgoblins,

“Rapunzerella, let down your

golden hair.”

Cinderella, that confused enchanted girl

twirled her golden strands

shined her glass slippers

then spun the wheel of fate and fantasy

for coy boys

into the brittle, golden hours

days running long into the night.

Jagged stars, see how they shine?

Men of airy promises

poured through the atmosphere

like toxic rain.

Castle walls soon become crypts

of truth.

Mazes of the millennium close.

Plath whispers from

the silvery, sorrowful distance

and Cinderella heeds the call

rises above them

in sublime flourish

these callous men of air.


Published inpoetryPoetry

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  1. I love this, Lana: “Men of airy promises / poured through the atmosphere / like toxic rain.” We need down-to-earth guys, wearers of monkey pajamas! 🙂

    • For sure Joan! We need those wearers of monkey pajamas, those who sneak to the refrigerator in the middle of the night and eat all the gouda cheese slices and drip watermelon juice on the floor. Those are the ones we need! 😀

  2. Wow. Lana. How powerful and angry and sad, and so evocative. There was a younger time in my life when I was a Cinderella falling for those coy men of air. It’s was a grand day when I smashed those glass slippers.

  3. Wow, so much here Lana. Progress, regress, norms – a smorgasbord of emotion and provocative thoughts. 🙂

  4. Excellent writing Lana. There are many with airy thoughts and callous traits. Their value will eventually depreciate. Unfortunately many princesses will be left in the dust. I’m glad the slippers made of glass can be easily broken instead of heavy metal that stays for long term.

  5. Wow! This one has it all! There’s so much going on here and my mind spins from all the images your words evoke in my head, with those glass slippers twirling on top of it! ❤

    • There is a bit going on there, haha. I’ve been veering off and practicing some experimental forms when I can. I’ve been so inundated with teaching that I rarely write anymore. I don’t know where the hours go. I hope you are doing well, Sarah. I’ve got to get over to your blog to see if you’ve crafted any lovely things lately. xoxo

      • It´s been a bit of the same here, not much creativity going on at the moment either. Ah well, that´s life, I´m sure we´ll both get back on our horses soon enough. 😉
        Have a beautiful weekend, Lana! Hugs! xoxo

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