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Cowboy Thunder

A stampede kicks up

funneled by corkscrew clouds

a curse of cumulus

The Thunder Master throws streaks across the plains

ripping through pastures like gunpowder shattering

Great growl in the west

seems to reach the ends of the earth

A wind, full-blown and fierce

slings torment

creating a catastrophe of trees

and this hollow earth shakes

Mythic cowboys hitch their team

in the clouds

as the hot air collides with the cold

The drumbeats of hail pound out battle cries

blasting fruits from skinny barks of trees

the bleached bones of the dead

shine through this blinding storm

The asphalt faces of angry cowboys menace the night

while the plain hide here

deep in the crater of destruction


howling their unrequited dreams

The renegade henchman strong in their stirrups

lassoing thunder turning toward theΒ virgin sky

in a flash finish

Left behind, the hidden

brave barbed wire and

crawl out in new skin

ever skittish of stampeding storms

Published inpoetryPoetry

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  1. Love these lines: “A wind, full-blown and fierce / slings torment / creating a catastrophe of trees” and “The renegade henchman strong in their stirrups / lassoing thunder turning toward the virgin sky / in a flash finish.” We’ve had rain today, but a gentle summer rain, not a rip-roaring thunderstorm like this, with those “great growls” that reverberate inside your chest. Stay safe, Lana. We don’t want you to end up in Kansas with Auntie Em. πŸ™‚

    • Thank you, Joan. This is more of a spring thunder storm for these parts. We have had some wet fall weather though, I thought I might have to begin building an ark yesterday πŸ˜€

    • Thanks, Jennie! I did this for submission to Rattle poetry, which they promptly rejected. I guess I have as much a chance with them as I do lassoing a star and riding along with these renegade cowboys! πŸ˜€

    • You know, Jo, I forgot my corresponding song, that would have been a good one! We know a thing or two about Blue Northers here, and we are smack dab in the middle of tornado alley. Thank you so much!

  2. Such vibrant description, Lana! I can hear the thunder and taste the electricity just reading this piece! Must be quite a sight! This year has been very dry around here and every rain is greeted with hurrah! But no storms please. πŸ˜‰

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