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Did Funny go to Sedona?

Recently it seems, I’ve lost my sense of humor, so I thought I would repost an earlier topic when I thought I was ready to head for Sedona.  I am still missing the teenager and his multiple messes, the one who is now happily ensconsed away at college.  Then below is a new idea where I am imploring the Funny One to maybe cut me some slack.
I think I would like to drop everything and head to Sedona, Arizona. Why is this? Well what better place to commune with nature to enjoy the red hills, dry air, and in general, just forget about every day annoyances. Some of the things that I might choose to forget right now are:

  • the neighbor who glares at me, then blocks my drive: then again….
  • the mini fire that started on my back porch
  • those pesky last 5 pounds
  • how behind I am on reading….and dusting things
  • my teenager and his multiple messes
  • that it is baseball season on TV, soon to be replaced by football with all my camo-wearing, 4-wheeling, hunting happy fellow townsfolk
  • the governor, maybe….
  • the poor, disturbed lady who was madly searching a pile of rubble for a lost barbie shoe
  • the person with a full cart of groceries ahead of me in the express lane
  • the intern student in the office who spent an entire day scribbling signs and penning sayings such as: “Bleep the Vice Lord”
  • the Vice Lord, whoever he is…

When Funny left me
she let me down hard
turned the corner sharply
at the Avenue of Despair
She took my sense of humor
and deposited it like a bad check
She took happiness
and packed it up
in Louis Vuitton
Funny, I never knew
she was so materialistic
I can’t understand
how she could exit
She gleamed of
no remorse
“Get out your hanky, girl,”
she said with a smirk
How could she allow
me to melt in all this gloom
in a Cyclone of Sorrow
and to persecute me?
she said,
“Would you really
rather have
some nervous energy?”
Funny, yes she left me
headed for the hills
I rather thought
she preferred the beach
Then I asked her kindly
“Do you think
you’ll be back?”
She rolled her eyes
and sniffed softly
in my world of Blue
and said,
“Dahling, you know
it really depends on you…”

Published inemotionshumorLifestyle

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  1. Ha! Reminds me of my I Lost My Sense of Humor post. May I advise you put up signs with a reward? However, it looks like your humor’s there somewhere. Maybe in the Louis Vuitton.

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