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Ode to August

Let’s set the latitude to swelter
I’ve never been
your frozen angel
I’ll caress the
Rose of Sharon, white faced and rosy-cheeked
with its leaves going limp
withering in the stagnant heat
I won’t call foul
even with the decimation of squash
the brittle leaves
brushing my fingers
Instead, I will meet
the cinnamon-headed girl
for tea on the porch
speaking freely
of such scorching things
As the blaze of summer
surrounds us
on a hot August day

Published inpoetryPoetry


  1. So… so well expressed and making me long for those extended hot days in the kayak, on the River or lolling on the sand bars watching dear, bear, beaver, gulls, eagles and seals basking in the sun. A few more months…

  2. I must say, LT I’m enjoying these visits to sunny swimming pools and scorching Augusts you’ve been arranging to help us through Winter. Who needs several hours on a plane when your transport arrangements are so convenient. Quality writing πŸ™‚

  3. I can’t say I miss Texas summers, Lana! Far too hot for my Midwestern tastes. But summer in Illinois is splendid, and your poem takes me right there!

    • Debbie, you are so correct. Summers in Texas are not for everyone. It is still my favorite season, but truth be told, I’m usually ready for it to end when it is still hanging on in September!

  4. My isp has taken a dislike to your lovely poems and stories Lana and insists on dumping you in the spam folder. Luckily I am getting wise to this and rescuing you in time! I should have found this poem reflective of my current time of year, but as I’m sitting wrapped in my shawl, with socks on my cold toes and a puppy cuddled in for warmth, We are both looking forward to the heat of summer!

    • Oh dear, that contrary isp. Mine works that way as well somcetimes. Sorry that you are also feeling the chill of winter. I actually shouldn’t complain, we have had very little truly cold weather….I just enjoy summer as it is my favorite season!

  5. Very vivid imagery, Lana. It’s freezing here, but reading this almost made me start sweating and wilting. Well done. πŸ™‚

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