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Feathered Angel

In a pool of liquid gold

evening melts on the horizon

a feathered angel

swims into the fading light

amidst the soft rustle

of fall leaves

and the gentle flow

of melodic water

in beautiful torment

these waves of sound


the last golden days

now behind her

She cranes her head

Oh, Beautiful One

the notes of Moonlight Sonata

dissolve with her

and grace our senses

the essence and vibrance

of being

sung in one perfect

swan song

Published inpoetryPoetry

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  1. Beautiful end-of-summer tribute, Lana. Loved the juxtaposition of “beautiful torment” and the “waves of sound / striking / the last golden days / now behind her.” The idea ripples outward from days to seasons and grows to encompass life itself. Breathe in those golden days, enjoy them while they last. 🙂

    • Oh yes, these golden days are a beautiful treasure (if it would just cool off). Thank you, Joan. I hope you are having a lovely fall or is it autumn (wink, wink). 😀

  2. Thank you Lana, you made my autumn even better and I rested summer peacefully. Thank you for this lovely poem. You made autumn evening! Happy weekend to you!

  3. Lana, this is beautiful…full of emotion and lyrical phrasing, so tender. I can feel the warmth of the ‘liquid gold’. Autumn in all its glory, all-pervasive, entering one’s soul. I wonder about the ‘feathered angel’ of the title…

    • Hi Annika. Thank you so much. I started this poem a long time ago to be a “swan song.” Never finished it until the Vegas shooting happened. Therefore, the feathered angel now represents all of the victims of that horrific event. So many heartbreaking stories, in particular, one that affected me greatly was a mother who lost her son. She had been a young mother and they had sort of grown up together and were very close. Just breaks my heart. I pray for the comfort of the victims’ families, and I pray that we can figure out a way to stop this senseless violence.

  4. So very beautiful, Lana! I love the Moonlight Sonata (even learned how to play it on the piano many years ago) and hear the notes gently drifting into one another as I reread your poem again and again 🙂 xxxxxx

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