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It is never advisable to

put the dinosaurs

in the pen

with the goats

I try explaining this to

Nora, her hazel eyes wide

dark hair streaming

shoes gleaming, equipped with flashing lights too

her small form contained

in a pink princess shirt


No! she says

They go in there!

I ponder T-Rex

he looks, well, he looks like

blue plastic

the Velociraptor is green

Sure, they appear


but they’re not fooling me

β€œRun!” I say to the plastic goats

thinking I’ll take my index finger

knock down their fence

but Nora has turned into

the Dictator of Pre-K

ruling with an iron hand

of little pink painted nails

She quickly uprights

my failed gate to freedom

sentencing the goats

to the whims

of hungry carnivores

but I’m not having it

I pick my goat-loving feet up

and storm away

to infringe upon

a game of blocks

in another center.

Published inpoetryPoetry

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  1. This is darling, and so warranted. I love your words. At first I thought the narrator was an adult, because of her astute descriptions, and ‘little-i-fying’ the other character, but your ending was marvellous, and so clarified.

  2. Love it. The “dictator of Pre-K” surely has a mind of her own. If it makes you feel better, a baby goat could easily outrun or outfox a big slow old dinosaur. My friend kept two baby goats on her farm for a while. They got into the storm cellar while she was airing it out and one came flying out with a mousetrap stuck to his lip. Happy Sunday, Lana! πŸ™‚

    • Oh those goats, haha. They are incredibly cute and I think I kinda knew they might be fairly active for sure πŸ˜€ I tell you, I hope they can run fast, but yes, I’ll bet that T-Rex has some age on him and he won’t be able to keep up. Thanks Joan, hope you have a super week!

  3. Hi Lana. I’m still on vacay but got this notification. So happy to see you back in blogland. <3

  4. Wonderful to see you back and with an awesome poem too! Am I the only one who has to think of Jurassic Parc though? That scene where the goat disappears? πŸ˜‰ xoxo

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