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What Came Out of the Fire

What came out of the fire
was at first surprise, disbelief
and a mad scramble to retrieve
the material items
lost dreams
a bit of hope from a small canister
digging among the ashes
sharp shock strong enough to cut bone
hatred and betrayal enlivened by the flames
the aide of a close friend who tried
as the flames climbed
echoes of souls burning
although the faithful watched silently
severed ties, broken family
the mourning of a heartless mother
through the smoke
a bland day made its mark
karma smote material greed
the mirrors, although charred, reflected toil
dark neverending heartbreak
smoke…ash….water…mud sludge
as sacred water ruined the leftovers
abandoned animals crouched – no good home here
flames engulfed that house
burned through memories
bad memories too
the sting of abuse
the cycle of crazy
there was no smoke
dense enough
to cover
the rot of self-esteem
the emptiness of tomorrow, a molten mess
broken banner boy
you’ve been alone
stuff your raggedly things
in plastic bags
take your damaged self from here
the belligerant bloated one dismisses those below him
with his evil scowl
he remains full of hate
his damage is done
the wayward boy walks
everywhere he goes
ashes fall from him
the smell of smoke permeates
all he has left
What came out of the fire was this:
anguish, bitter, deep hurt – it burned
golden trinkets destroyed – the playing field leveled
homeless aching pain – in flames
incendiary fear – a burnished sun bleeds

Published inPoetry

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