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Human-less Resources

She arrives in a white shirt, crisp and neat
Smart phone intact, never misses a beat
She was queen of the pocket organizer
back when we had those
She was just trying out
her professional clothes
Those interview questions,
she’s got them down pat
She runs lean and mean
not an ounce of fat
She is ignorant of
most people out there
There are resources to direct
not an iota of care
Savy with a laptop
and bent on the top
Miss Thing is PowerPoint perfect
and made to direct
She will line out those nerds in I.T.
Then fire off a bossy email to me
One day she will attain
that corner office up high
oh stuff her Human Resources!
I’ll quit to bake pie

Published inhumorPoetry

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  1. Yeah, really! Who needs to climb the corporate ladder when you can sit on your butt and blog (which is what I usually do during my work day).

  2. In a small business you can’t rebel against human resources cause you are human resources. And boy does it stink threatening to dock your own pay for goofing off instead of working. Lol!

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