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Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

I would like to thank lovely Tosha Michelle for nominating me for The Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award. Tosha is an extraordinary poet, musician and author and she shares her beautiful gift of lyrical language to the world on her blog: Everything I Never Told You. She is absolutely one of my favorite poets, and I invite everyone to visit her blog at:
The Rules
Say “Thank You” to the person who nominated you & link their blog to your post.
Answer the 10 questions given to you. Pass the award on to 7 other bloggers and let them know they have been nominated. Include the Award Badge in your post.

What made you want to start your blog?
I was attempting to get some of my work published and the officials kept asking me: Where do you promote your writing? What is your social media outreach? How many followers do you have on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr? I responded to all these questions with “Unh?”
2. What have you wanted to do on your blog but haven’t yet? Why not?
I think I have pretty much done everything with it that I could possibly want to do. I enjoy photography, I should post more photos…..Time is my biggest foe.
3. Name one item on your bucket list, or more if you like?
I want to go to Europe for an extended trip to just relax and travel and not have a schedule. I would love to live on a beach somewhere.
4. What is your biggest fear?
Fear itself….or just being too busy to really enjoy life. I would like to slow down some.
5. What is your best moment in life?
I would say being a mother to three children. They grew up so fast!
6. With New Years fast approaching, do you make resolutions? If so, name one. If not, why don’t you like to make them?
I don’t make resolutions. I am pretty much aware of what I need to do for physical, mental, and financial health and I just try to maintain all year long.
7. If you could host a challenge on your blog, what kind would it be?
Maybe something to do with food. I like food 🙂
8. What was the name of your first pet? What do you remember the most about them?
My first pet was a little, spotted rat terrier dog. Her name was Cheetah. I don’t know why I named a small dog after a big, dangerous cat, must be my whimsical personality. I remember how tiny she was as a puppy when my grandad gave her to me.
9. Did you ever go to a high school reunion? Was it fun or not?
I have gone to high school reunions, and they were fun, until nobody knew who I was anymore. Now it isn’t so much fun, I think I will pass 🙂
10. Do you have a pet peeve?
Yep – mean, stupid, rude people.
I nominate the following fellow bloggers with the same questions. They can choose to accept/answer if they like. These are all great WordPress sites, and I likewise encourage everyone to check them out. – More beautiful poetry here and a very lovely blog. – A wonderful daily living blog maintained by a creative writing teacher with a wonderful sense of humor. This lovely lady and fellow Texan shares snippets of her life on the Texas coast. – Anita is a fellow blogger who teaches yoga, enjoys baking and writes about cooking interspersed with lovely prose writing. She is also a fan of Wuthering Heights which tells me she has fantastic literary tastes. Do you need to laugh? Look no further than the Rock and Roll Supermom. Marissa is not only funny, but also a talented musician and a great supporter of fellow writers. Did someone say English history? Millie has it down. She also writes about her travels and English traditions. She does a fun Word of the Week segment which I really enjoy. Robin has an interesting blog where she shares photographs, essays and beautiful poetic reflections. She is also a wonderful supporter of fellow bloggers.

Published inpoetry

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  1. Thank you for doing this. It was great learning more about you. Rude people are the worst. Children to grow up quickly. I hope you get to go to Europe soon. Lots of love

      • Lana, if my blog doesn’t go nuts again and send my scheduled posts to be published days ahead, your Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award nomination response post goes out tomorrow. I am a little bit like Holly, usually break a few rules but hope you like it anyway.
        Thanks again for this honor!
        Hugs, Robin

        • Thank you Robin, it’s no problem at all even if it does break the rules. I read on your blog where you were having some timing issues, I’m not sure what that is, as I don’t have that pre-planning option. I’m sure I will like it (I don’t always follow the rules either 🙂 You are very welcome, I kinda like the “Sisterhood” title.

  2. Many congratulations on the award and a big thank you for nominating me – and for the kind words you added. I’ll be happy to do the award post. Are the questions to answer the same ten that you answered? I know how you long for a trip to Europe – you’re as much a history fanatic as I am – and I hope you get over here, some day. I want to tour the USA and Canada . . . someday! I like your answer to Q.1, although it’s worried me a bit. I’m still well behind with social media, so no publisher’s likely to be too impressed with me. 🙁 Perhaps I’d better do something about it. You seem to have a lot going for you now, so well done with that!

    • Hi Millie, thank you so much for accepting. Yes, the same questions are fine if you would like to do it. They are a bit of work, but it is a good way to discover other bloggers. I wouldn’t worry so much about Q1, I think you can find the right publisher. The one I found for my children’s book never asked me about social media at all. There were some that asked authors to submit a “marketing plan,” if we do all that then when would we write? I am looking forward to reading your answers 🙂

  3. Lana, thank you for considering House of Heart. This is such a fabulous award that I am privileged to accept it and thank you so much for the honor!

  4. Thank you so much for this unexpected award! I shall enjoy checking out the blogs of the other nominees. And I plan to read your book, “Dancing with the Sandman” now that Husband has donated his old Kindle to me. I downloaded and read my first one and found that I could do it. All the best to you in 2016!

    • You are very welcome. I am honored that you would want to read my book. Kindle is pretty neat once you get used to it, I have several books on mine (now I just need some reading time). The very best to you also in 2016!

  5. I enjoyed reading the answers to your questions. Ahhh, yes, a long holiday in Europe is on my bucket list too: Florence, Zurich, Paris, London. Should we ‘fly’ there? And then, land at a beach for our ‘home’ place. We share similar dreams, for sure. I am HONORED to be included in your list of bloggers – I’m familiar with many of them and appreciate being in their sphere. I’ll check out the ones I don’t know. Long ago I decided to not accept awards, but your nomination has given me a happy smile. We are a Sisterhood, for sure.

    • I kinda like the name of the “Sisterhood” award also. I don’t really accept awards either, unless I’m nominated by someone I really like, and I adore Tosha. I’d love to hope on a plane tomorrow, ha ha! I think you will like my list of bloggers, they are all lovely “sisters” for sure!

  6. Anita Kushwaha Anita Kushwaha

    It’s lovely to learn more about you and thank you so much for the the tag! 🙂 I hope to participate soon and hope your new year is off to a great start!

    • Thank you so much. I know they are time consuming. My new year is going well, at least until work tomorrow, ha ha! I hope your new year is also off to a great start.

      • Anita Kushwaha Anita Kushwaha

        Ha ha, I can relate! The first Monday after the holidays is always rough! Sending good vibes and I hope it goes as well as possible. 😉

        • Thanks so much. It went okay (except I did accidentally wear my house shoes, ha ha!) Oh well, it was a long vacation…Hope your Monday got off to a great start also!

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