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My grandmother came
from a family of girls
lending beauty and eloquence
to the somber Texas plains
Georgia people
headed westward
after the Civil War
escaping the ragged destruction
misplaced ideals
You can farm Texas
with a blessing and a blue moon
if seasons cooperate
instead of conspire
No help for her father
six girls there
then brokenhearted
they buried one sister
She went to school
studied Latin
made As
church on Wednesday evenings
One night, horse balked
her father, tight lipped
mountain lion in the trees
shrill scream shattered the night
ready to pounce
heart in her throat
horses full throttle
She became a wife
a disinterested cook
but she could make
warm English custard
blackberry jam
played with her blonde grand-daughters
expanded their hearts
expanded their minds
Sent her only two boys
off to World War II
hesitant patriot she was
giving all she had
Stored her trinkets sent from Japan
in a large two-door chifferobe
kept cards from her sons
wrapped them in love and tissue paper
always had a pitcher of ice cold well water
slightly sweet
Evening supper
around large oval table
kitchen at the heart of the house
listened to a small radio
every evening
TV was for youngsters
Quoted a small poem
about loving big or little
Worked side by side on the farm
lost part of her heart –
one son gone
Alone most of the time
kept her beauty
and quiet dignity
until taken from this life
my reluctant hand
leaving hers…
Twillia and GDad

Published inpoetry

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  1. Oh, love this. I can picture it vividly. It brings to mind Half-Broke Horses by Jeannette Walls and much of my sister-in-law’s family. Well done.

  2. What a special tribute! I am amazed that you could put so much history into a poem – well done! The story reminds me of my own grandmother – “kept her beauty and quiet dignity.”

  3. Trudy Clifton Trudy Clifton

    Such fond memories of Aunt Twillia’s place. A lot of fun times there. She was very kind woman. Loved her๐Ÿ˜Š

  4. You have found a different and sweetly sad way to tell your dear grandmother’s tale of love for her sisters, sons and granddaughters. It had a lot of sorrow in one strong and beautiful woman’s life, Lana.
    I am glad you held her hand until the end. May she have spent years with those loved ones in the miracle that is called, heaven. <3

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