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Snow White

Mirror, mirror on the wall
why do you stare
and plot her fall?
Skin of milk white
eyes of blue crystal
hair dark as madness.
Once lost in a kiss
lips of blood red
took one bite amiss
then into the abyss…
Within a poisonous trance
gone the forgotten lover
what have you wrought
you murderous mother?
Glass heart shatters
beats no more
the poet weeps
lost in lore.
Hi ho, hi ho,
back to work
they go….
In the forest
there is not a sound
creatures slink, sad silent
not a soul around
one so vile
so violent.
Madam stands at her mirror
so true
in this land no one
more fair than you
but a new star shines
in the mystical above
the enchantment shattered
succumbed to love.
Mirror, mirror high upon the wall
evil queen consumed
the narcissist must fall.
Seven small ones proclaimed
as the Fair One arose
freed from the past
from silent shadows.
Prism glass cracked
silvery shards of hate
she took the offered hand
destiny spun by fate.

Published infairytalespoetryPoetry

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  1. Lana, this was exquisite in your wording and meaning. I like how it reminded me of shattering barriers. It seemed like the elements of the story became enhanced, more defined. Your fairy tales add a depth of reality to them.

  2. This is so brilliant! Absolutely love it! Snow White has always been one of my favourite fairy tales – I loved it so much when I was a kid that I even memorized the whole thing and told it everybody who´d listen to me 😉 Have a great weekend! Sarah xoxo

    • Thank you, it has always been one of my favorites also. That’s great you memorized it when you were a kid, ha ha. Thanks for reading, have a great weekend also!

  3. I like this piece – even if it’s the familiar story. It’s told in a different way and the questioning of the mirror right at the start simply captivates me!

  4. What a wonderful “summary” of this fairy tale! Reading your poem brings all the Disney scenes back to me. Isn’t it odd how kids are drawn to these often-gruesome stories?!?

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