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A Season of Rain

Now the rain comes
in heavy measure
from a disgruntled rain god
after long years
of drought and desecration
suffocating the cactus
drowning the land
this raging, rabid rain claws
excavating the once burnt fields
as if digging for some ancient sea
long buried in geologic time
washing off now silent skulls
of dehydrated animals
submerging scars
rolling torrents of water
deluge into arroyos
rocks too slick to climb
deceptive roads
birth instant lakes
swallowing cars and livestock
in the distance
the heavy crash foreboding
the wet earth dreads
this misplaced monsoon
we watch the clouds roll
hoping to stem the relentless tide
hoping to hold the thunder at bay

Published inpoetryPoetrywriting

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    • Thanks Diana, we have had a lot of rain, but I have exaggerated quite a bit. This morning I was awakened at 3 AM by torrential rainfall, and I had left two windows open where water was pouring through. This was the inspiration for this one. πŸ™‚

    • Thanks so much. Even though the rain has been excessive, nobody really complains about it after that horrible drought, so yes indeed, we will take it πŸ™‚

  1. Ah, I know that feeling well. When I lived in the SF bay area, we’d pray for rain. And then when it finally came, it seemed as if the heavens would never close up again. Great poem.

    • Thanks so much. I love San Francisco, my significant other lived there for 20 years. It does seem like those heavens are never going to close up. I may need to start building an arc this weekend πŸ˜€

  2. Great piece.
    excavating the once burnt fields
    as if digging for some ancient sea
    long buried in geologic time
    washing off now silent skulls – excellent lines. ☺

  3. The season of rain well described Poetically.
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