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Monuments and Memories

They carved you a monument
black, glossy, light bouncing stone
now reflecting that brilliant sun.
There you are
keeping company
in a field of pioneers.
We ran together
back in the day
through streets of youth
alleys of fashion
bell bottoms
and funky clothes
liking Frampton loud.
You tempting the
Netherworld wearing your
black eyeliner,
bold girl, you were strong
a mover of heavy things.
I was the shy golden girl
conquered by words
waiting for your cue
your headstrong, heady presence
me arriving late for Act One.
Now it has come to this
and you always having to be
one step ahead
of me.
So I watched from the sidelines
as you
grabbed a ticket
that fell from Night’s silky scarf.
Now you beckon to me
saving me a place in time
as you masquerade gaily
buoyed by force and energy
leaving us pondering
in a field of admiring pioneers
here in the blazing Texas sun.


Published inpoetryPoetrystories

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  1. Lovely snippets of time gone by and friends with it. Funny how the more we’re different, the more we’re similar!

  2. Aww, Lana. I probably forgot your loss last summer buy now, feelremorseand wistfulness for your days gone by. . .
    Your comparing her brave and dark “in your face”presence makes me think of one of my own dear childhood friends. I was dark haired but a bit more intimidated than she ever was. Her name was Allison. I can sense this loss coming from you of grandma’s gone by, too. <3 Hugs, Robin xo

  3. Seeing one’s friends, contemporaries, go is both sad and a time for introspection. The lines “You tempting the/ Netherworld wearing your/ black eyeliner” work very well because of the subtle humor of “Netherworld” and because they create such a clear image that helps define the person.

    • Thank you so much for your gracious compliment. It is exactly that sort of a time, after the shock of it all, then the length of self examination and coming to terms. It’s been a year now…

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