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In Praise of Endless Summer

I want to live in a cocoon made entirely of summer
as those curt, frigid winds blow in from the north
I want to paint long, never ending summer days
onto repeating canvases
embraced by warmth
covered in hibiscus flowers
and palm tree fronds
I want endless summer
to be just that
far away from winter’s bitter truth
caught in a crevasse of cold
but no,
I’d rather burn

Published inpoetryPoetry


  1. I’m not a summer gal… but your descriptions are tempting. Make it never-ending autumn and you’ve got a deal. 🙂

  2. Oh, I prefer to burn also! A ” crevasse of cold” is not for me. But those cold north winds will eventually blow our way. You made your point quickly too. I liked the shape of the poem too.

    • Thank you, I do love summer even though in Texas it is a whole different thing, ha ha. That’s why we invented air conditioning. The cold, although it tends to come in “cold snaps” with warmer days in between, really gets to me now that I’m a bit older.

    • Thanks Jennie, I’d like to hang onto it, it isn’t that winter is that bad here, but we usually get a few Arctic fronts that dip down with that horrid wind.

  3. I’m more an equinoxial gal really…. I prefer the softer palettes of spring and autumn. The other really is becoming more a choice between burning or freezing! Lovely poem 🙂

    • You can’t beat a palette of soft colors for sure. Both spring and fall are great seasons, the trouble where I live, each one only lasts a couple weeks. I like summer in spite of the heat.

  4. Having lived in Texas, I can totally appreciate this one! However, living in Illinois now, I’m not so sure I’d like an endless summer. Maybe we can compromise? Endless autumn sounds pretty good to me — sunny days, temps ranging from 50 to 70, and a gentle breeze. Works for me!

  5. I with you on this! Although I do like winter, the cold days at the moment are so hard to get used to – I feel I need my gloves and it’s still 10 degrees Celsius! I blame Florida! There I became so used to the heat, the sensation of sun on the skin, no aches and the freedom from layers…we can but dream of endless summer!

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