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As Irises Bloom

One splendid spring

I was mesmerized

gifted a bouquet of Irises

picked and arranged

in an ice glass vase.

The Iris, you know,

a floral epistle

adequate for a coat of arms

against treacherous lovers.

In a singular color,

the dreams of a rainbow


I am left with

an army of blue

their spiky stems ripe enough

to pierce a heart,

but instead

they invoke

the dancing spirit

of early summer

and a bold message

inscribed in elegant scroll

from the chamber of the Gods.

This poem is for my wonderful friend, Miss Gentileschi at Secret Art Expedition in celebration of Iris Day.

Published inpoetryPoetry

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  1. I did not know irises had their own celebratory day – they deserve it! I adore their blueness – they are the only flower I am aware of that stands up so strong and tall and waves about that vibrant hue…… your poem is a lovely addition to their special day πŸ™‚

  2. Iris Day? I had no idea there was such a thing! Iris is a beautiful flower. One of my neighbors has some lovely purple ones. Funny, but I’ve never tried to grow them (perhaps I should!)

    • I think they are rather easy to grow, Debbie, at least they grow for me and that is saying something right there. Yep, I think there is a designated day for everything, and one of my artistic blogging friends has been highlighting them on her blog πŸ˜€

  3. Beautiful pic and poem, reminded me of the irises my mom grows in one of her many flowerbeds. My favorite lines were “In a singular color, / the dreams of a rainbow /
    vanish.” that’s the kind of blue-violet beauty that renders you completely content. πŸ™‚

  4. Oh, Lana! Thank you so very, very much!!! What a glorious and beautiful poem! Your words bring these flowers to life and make my heart soar up into the Iris scented air! What a wonderful gift, IΒ΄m so humbled by your kindness and so glad to call you my friend! I will print out this beauty of a poem and pin it to the wall over my writing desk! Wish you a beautiful week! πŸ™‚ <3

    • I’m so glad you liked it, Sarah! I do like these flowers, but was of course inspired by your post regarding the designated day, and I truly think that if any flower should have a day, then it should be the Iris. I hope you have a super week too! I am also glad to call you my friend, take good care of yourself πŸ˜€

  5. Lana, thank you for sharing this beautiful poem in celebration of the iris flower – usually, I see many of these out and about but not so this year for some reason.

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