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Dancing with the Kings

When you danced with the Mambo Kings

and you found sultry

in the sway of their movements

you tasted salsa

spicy upon your tongue

and swirled in dances

twirling on your feet.

You hung out of club windows

at 3 AM

waving to the milling street crowds

clamoring for a carnival

bringing color and heat.

Then back home

Apt. 5

up 3 flights of stairs

all the neighbors

in everybody’s kitchen

sailing back on memories

to cabanas and palm trees

all steamy and tropical.

Yellow kitchen curtains

open to the night air

letting in the beating, pulsating music

floating in free form notes

those songs of love

dizzying dances of desire.

Who will dance the merengue now

that the kings have passed on?

Published inpoetryPoetry

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    • Oh no, Pauline. I was really more referring to the book which I read a long time ago. It was set in New York during late 40s/early fifties. I was referring to the characters of the book who, although fictional, would probably no longer be around. As far as I know, Antonio Banderas is still in good shape, wink wink! πŸ˜€

  1. This is how I imagine New Orleans or Cuba in its heyday. It made me want to see the movie, too. So evocative – love the poem, Lana.

    • Thanks Diana. I want to see the movie now, also, ha ha. I read the book, but it has been years ago. I’m sure you would like it too if you have time for summer reading πŸ˜€

    • Thank you so much, Debbie. I don’t know if you have read the Mambo Kings, but I’m sure you would like it if you have the time. I think I’m going to stream the movie now after finding that wonderful clip πŸ˜€

  2. I love the vivid imagery, how it transported me. I felt like a participant rather than an outsider looking in, with her nose pressed to the glass. Also, how the poem is split into two equally intriguing worlds, separated by the phrase “Then back home / Apt. 5 / up 3 flights of stairs.” Well done, Lana! πŸ™‚

    • Thank you so much, Joan. This is one of the poems that the Literary Magazines rejected. They are so hateful, ha ha. I think I’m going to start my own, lol. πŸ˜€

  3. Lana, your poem is the dance itself – reads perfectly to the music and captures the scene wonderfully, slightly wild, liberating, exotic. Now I’m eager to see the film – after all, it’s got Antonio Banderas in it – enough said! πŸ˜€

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