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  1. Oh, yes, I shall “…ramble on/until the grand finale.” Well done! I seem to find readings today that remind me to live each day! Have a great week!

  2. I like it all, but “distance drips / from an IV” put me right in the scene. I could see from your perspective the distortion of time as the drops fall, looking back, looking forward, melancholy in both worlds. Well done, Lana! πŸ™‚

    • Thank you, Joan. You have that wonderfully keen, poetic eye. I wished you lived nearby and we could have lattes and talk poetry. We wouldn’t even have to wear black turtlenecks to Starbucks, mainly because it is much too hot to wear black turtlenecks now πŸ˜€ I hope you have a marvelous week, happy writing to you!

      • Lattes would be fun… I guess all poets wear black turtlenecks? Under a sweater with elbow patches. Baggy corduroy pants. Birkenstock Arizonas, with socks. And a beret worn at a tilt. Now if you see me at your local Starbuck’s, you’ll know it’s me. πŸ™‚ hee hee

  3. Well written, “until the grande finale” – you give the energy to live one day at a time. thank you for posting. Was a very interesting piece of writing Lana. I love it.

    • Thank you so much! We must indeed take that energy to grab those days and fill them with all that we can. Blessings to you, hope you have a fantastic week!

      • Too hot in London, my god, we are dying of heatwaves. But am still working hard at home, my fan on at all times with plenty of home-made juice. You take care.

  4. Wow! Forceful poem and thoughts, Lana! Feels edgy and dark, pulls us to a stop to think and consider as we’re ‘rambling on/Until the Grand Finale’.

    • Yes, I think edgy and dark describes it well. Perhaps we do pause and consider at times when at the bedside of the sick. Thanks for reading, Annika. Hope you are having a wonderful summer!

  5. Nicely done, Lana. A bit on the dark side, but we all need a dose of reality now and then πŸ˜‰

  6. “wholeness/ denied by age/ decided by destiny.” Powerful, Lana, The sad poignancy of so many people’s end of life experiences. Beautifully written, this poem seems to drip with the IV.

      • IΒ΄m so much better now, thank you Lana. πŸ™‚ Busy as a bee preparing a little exhibition with the students of my pottery class – theyΒ΄ve done so well, and I would love to share their work here, but their parents unfortunately are against me taking pictures of their kids so thatΒ΄s it.
        How are you? I hope those migraines are a thing of the past and that you give your tennis elbow some rest too from time to time. Did you finish all clearing out? I still have lots to do πŸ˜‚
        Much love!

        • Good to hear you are feeling well. I am doing okay, healthwise, but I work myself into exhaustion every day. I’m still cleaning out, pairing down, upcycling, and weeding out. I think at some point, I will just have to call it, and say that is enough for awhile. Much love to you, Sarah. I hope you are having a fabulous week!

          • Sometimes working yourself to exhaustion can be a good thing, stops you from thinking too much, I often feel. But please take good care of yourself and take little breaks for coffee or something to eat. ThereΒ΄s nothing more important than your own health.
            Sending you much strength to get it all done! Hugs&Love! πŸ™‚

          • IΒ΄m so glad to hear that, Lana! Sending you lots of virtual cake to keep you sustained 🍰(just wish wish I could find a way to beam some real one up to you πŸ˜€ ). Much love! πŸ™‚

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