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Perimeter of the Night

On the edge of town

the gypsy unlatches

her cart windows

wide open

curtains flung free

to the night air

wafting magic


Wares, Trinkets

Mysteries Galore!

Hobos hop off

the night train

as newly minted

city citizens now

sidestepping the sultry star goddess

walking a black panther

on a diamond leash

The artists burst forth

their intriguing paintings

immersed in color

pushing margins

into euphoria

Lose yourself

in dappled hues

or in vivid swirls

The raspy-voiced

street vendors hawk

the gypsy flirts

her eyes dark and perilous

Come closer, come closer

Breathe the enchantment

multifarious and opulent

take flight

on the prophecy

of the night

Published inpoetryPoetry

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  1. Beautiful ballad!
    Always loved gypsies and would love to have one of those beautiful carts that they used to drive some decades ago in England (I think Enid Blyton described them and thus made me a fan of them πŸ˜‰ ).
    The picture is awesome – did you take it yourself? Love! πŸ™‚ <3

    • Thanks, Sarah. I’ve always been fascinated with gypsies. I heard about them and saw a few in France. I was looking at the carts also via Google images, so pretty! Alas, no gypsies where I am, so I used a photo from Pixabay. That’s a great site for free-use photos just in case you didn’t know about it. πŸ˜€

      • Will have a look at Pixabay soon! Sounds like a great source if I should run out of pictures for my posts! πŸ˜€ Thank you, Lana! πŸ™‚ xxx

  2. My mom will never forgive gypsies for stealing her dancing shoes when she was a child! True story? Who knows, but that’s her take and she’s sticking to it. A wonderfully descriptive piece here, Lana!

  3. This sounds like a carnival or the Night Markets in Bangkok. I loved this: “Breathe the enchantment / multifarious and opulent.” That magical feeling of buying a knock-off Rolex or pair of Ray-Bans for a couple bucks and pretending it’s the real thing. Like the Land of Make Believe for Adults. πŸ™‚

  4. Well Lana, lots of them Gypsies in Europe. People tend to talk so badly against them, but I see nothing wrong with them. As far as I have read about them and heard of them, they are very hard working people, they live well and they are happy people. “The Big Gypsy Wedding”, a program on TV I have watched time and time again, very interesting. Thank you for posting!

    Please note that I have nominated you for the “ONE LOVELY BLOG AWARD.” Please do check at mine and then follow what you need to do. I wish you Good Luck!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

    • Juli, I saw a few gypsies when I visited France several years ago. I’ve always been fascinated with them, their aura and mystery, also a bit envious of their free-spirited lifestyle (which may or may not be all that easy). Thanks for the nomination, I will check it out. I hope you have an outstanding weekend!

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