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The Art of Being Thankful

So I recently asked Aunt Agnes to share one of her favorite Thanksgiving recipes, and here is what she said: “Get yourself some Velveeta, some cream cheese, pecans, egg nog, and a big ole carton of butter. Make sure it is real butter and not that margarine crap. Maybe get some Fritos, the large dipping size too, I don’t like those little bitty things, you can’t pick up a bit of dip with those. Marshmallows, you’re gonna need some marshmallows and cherry pie filling. They don’t even carry that brand of chili mix I like anymore….”

Then I asked her, “What are people supposed to do with all this stuff?”

And she says, “Well, Good Lord, tell them to figure it out! I just realized I got to run and grab up an ugly Christmas sweater for Leona’s pre-Thanksgiving party. I gotta get some red on these fingernails too!”

Out the door, she went. So my best advice to all of you is to forget about recipes and just go out and buy a pumpkin pie, or a sweet potato pie, or any pie that you can feast on for the next few days. And don’t even feel guilty about it. Meanwhile, I do understand that this time of the year is difficult for many people. I have never been a big holiday person, and as I have gotten older, I tend to be even more looking at the concept of the half-empty glass. This year, I am going to look past that and share some funny moments with kids.

Things Kids Have Said To Me:

“If I won a hundred dollars, I would give it to my dad. Cause he doesn’t have much money. One hundred dollars would be a lot.”

“Do you know how to play hide and seek with a demon? Well, you get in the bathtub at midnight…”

“I want to be Batman!”

“Have you seen the teacher next door? Someone is definitely making him fried chicken, greens, and hot sauce!”

“Do you know who is watching us? Santa Claus, Jesus and God are all watching us….”

“How many channels do you get now, Ms.? (Question after I was lecturing on the importance of reading and only having three television channels when I was growing up.)

Heartwarming Snippet:

I work mainly in the impoverished section of town. It is a daily reminder that many people out there lack the basic necessities and the small things that many other people take for granted. A few days ago, I saw a little girl receive the first new coat that she ever had. It was puffy with a little fake fur around the edges of the hood. She had the biggest smile of happiness and amazement when they gave her that coat. I can’t even describe her little face, but I’ll tell you something that was almost as good as her expression and that was the little girl’s mother’s face when she saw the coat.

Remember to be thankful. Happy Thanksgiving!

Published inpoetrystories

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  1. Aunt Agnes has the right idea and so do you about just buying that pie. We take so many things for granted. Thanks for the reminder to be grateful for even the little things. Happy Thanksgiving!

    • We do, and really every new day is another day to be thankful. I hope you likewise have a great Thanksgiving with your family, Jo. I’m off to get some pie (wink, wink) 😀

  2. I’m a person who believes that every day we can find something to be thankful for, not just on the one day of the year and this is possibly the best Thanksgiving post I have ever read Lana! From Aunt Agnes to your final thought, it’s all there beautifully encapsulated! <3

  3. This is wonderful, Lana. Starts with a hilarious laugh and ends with a hug on the heartstrings and watery eyes. I too am a holiday scrooge, but this one is my favorite simply because it isn’t about things and profits and presents. It’s a reminder to be grateful, kind, and generous and to love what really matters. Enjoy your Thanksgiving and avoid the marshmallow cherry pie. 🙂

    • Thanks, Diana. Yes, that is exactly what the day stands for and we do have so many things to be thankful for. I am thankful that Aunt Agnes didn’t have time to make a pie before she ran out for an ugly sweater and to get her nails done. I do plan to avoid that marshmallow cherry pie, LOL.

  4. Love Aunt Agnes! Still trying to figure out what to make out of Velveeta and chili mix and cherry pie filling… Funny how Velveeta passes for cheese, but butter’s got to be real. Well, got to go find my ugly Christmas sweater. Fun post as always, Lana. Happy Thanksgiving!

    • Happy Thanksgiving, Joan! I’ve been desperately searching for my ugly Christmas sweater, too. That Aunt Agnes, I think she digressed into giving me a grocery list instead of any main ingredients for a recipe! Oh yes, Velveeta, that is a staple in southern kitchens, LOL 😀

  5. Jim Jim

    Aunt Agnes sounds like a real corker. I bet she would be fun to sit across from on the dinner table.

    And that kid can’t be Batman. I’m Batman! Well, I am according to my underwear.

    Three channels? Hehehehehehehehe. that is a wonderful throwback to the day.

    Hope your Thanksgiving was good sweetie. 🙂

  6. hope your Thanksgiving was lovely, Lana! The snippets from the kids gave me pause to ponder, as I’m sure they did for you. Out of the mouths of babes . . . .

    • These kids, ha ha. I can tell you, I am rarely bored, LOL. My Thanksgiving was lovely, and I hope yours was also. A few weeks, then SHAZAM, it is Christmas again! 😀

  7. Wonderful post and good reminders Lana. Some of things we take for granted are treasures for those who don’t have much. And I loved Aunt Agnes’ advice! 🙂 <3

  8. Heartwarming post, Lana…these big holidays can be difficult for so many. Your stories made me smile and especially the last one. So moving and really teaches us not to take all we have for granted. Hope you had a good celebration. Hugs xx

    • That’s true, Annika that so many people have difficulties during the holidays. We do have so much to be grateful for including the little things. I had a nice Thanksgiving and break, I hope you did also. Thanks and hugs right back to you. xo

  9. Lana how great of you to remind everyone of the little things. I jumped right straight up when I found out the top phrase started with Aunt Agnes, I definitely wanted to know what was going on now. haha. Was a good post Lana. Thank you for posting!

    • Aunt Agnes is something else, she is so busy during the holidays, ha ha! I can’t believe she didn’t have time to share a recipe. The small things to some are definitely big things to others. Thank you so much, Juli 😀

  10. Margarine crap for sure! 😂 Love your aunt Agnes, Lana! Tell her that I always only use real butter!
    And loved your story about that little girl getting her first ever coat – I can imagine her smile! Hope you had a lovely thanksgiving! 😊 xoxo

    • Oh that’s right, Sarah, you are an accomplished baker, I’ve seen your lovely photos. They always make me hungry. Of course, it takes very little to activate my sweet tooth, perhaps I should call them all “sweet teeth,” ha ha. Aunt Agnes is really a fictional character, I guess I need to point that out, ha ha. Many people comment on her in a way that they believe she is real. She is a combination of many of the southern women that I knew as a child (some of whom, I am related to). That little girl is so precious and her smile literally made my day/week/month. I try to focus on things like that when I become discouraged. I had a great Thanksgiving, and I hope you did also. I’m looking forward to Christmas break where I hope (as always) to get many things done. xoxo

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