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  1. Will winter’s mad grip EVER be broken? Me and my flowers are beginning to wonder. Is Joveus, the god of starlit madness any relation to Bon Joveus, the god of living on a prayer who was a big star on the mix tapes played on unmapped car trips in the 80’s? Thanks for the tiny moment of escape, Lana. πŸ™‚

    • That is the question for sure, normally this time of the year we are all wearing tank tops and shorts, well some people, not me, LOL. Ain’t nobody even starting a tan right now. We’ve had temps in the high 50s/low sixties when the AC should be going, so I don’t know if winter will be going anywhere. I’m liking the image of Bon Joveus as a long-haired rock god to hang out with underneath the stars for sure! Oh those 80s, they were the days alright, I’m way overdue for an unmapped car trip, I won’t even use that infernal GPS either, haha. Hope you are having a super weekend, Joan, surely there will be May flowers πŸ˜€

  2. I love the ending. I remember those days when I had the world by the tail and escaped the ordinary. I was 17 and didn’t know better, but what a feeling! Wonderful poem. πŸ™‚

      • Thanks so much. The end of school is bitter sweet. Saying goodbye to children is terribly sad for me, yet I have to make it exciting and positive for children. I’m just a big kid! πŸ™‚

  3. Oh how I love those tiny moments of escape. And I always love your song choices. Thanks for taking me back! <3

  4. Ahh – those mixed tapes! How much I loved them (and how shockingly old must I be to remember them! πŸ˜‚) Then for a short time it was CDs before everything went to hell and became digital.

    • Went to hell, LOL, yeah, you may be right on that. I’m afraid I can even go back before mixed tapes, waaaayyy back to 8 track tapes, ever heard of them? What a trip they were; they would get stuck in the player and enough tape would unravel that you could actually wrap around your car two or three times. haha! Old is relevant depending on what party you are at. I was with high schoolers earlier this week who just unloaded on me about how OLD I was. I guess I’m going to have to go for that fifteen-step Korean skin care now, LOL πŸ˜€ Crank that music up πŸ˜€ Much love, my friend.

      • I think IΒ΄ll have to join you soon for that Korean skin treatment – lol! πŸ˜€
        The good thing is though that I almost always feel much younger than I truly am! πŸ˜‰ Must be all that painting that keeps my inner child well occupied. πŸ™‚
        Have a wonderful day, Lana! Much love! xoxo <3

        • I feel that way too, and today I was the one (instead of all the 30-year-olds who could throw a loop up over a steel beam, bring it down and secure it so the kids could hit the pinata). After sitting around watching them trying to do it for 15 minutes, I said, “Give me that rope!” Lol. xx

  5. Wonderful poem Lana, I think winter has vanished for a while, and the all the fluffy flowers have already vanished from the Spring Trees, I supposed it is summer at my side of the world. Just loving it. I love your song, yeah yeah, we will soon be dancing in the summer moonlight hahaha! Thank you Lana for your poem!

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