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The shout escapes

as we relearn

the language

of sea nymphs

and tiger sharks

entrapped in a world

of maroon sunsets and eternity


with forests of coconut trees

it’s a bad time to learn

you have tree nut allergies

We rush into the mangled jungle

to escape the forays

of drug dealing pirates

and the docking of phantom ships

The other night

a ghost ship slipped close

sea-weight weary

overran with cannibal rats

and cursed karma

Windward, it finally broke the waves

and headed out to sea

as we, the Deserted here,


then sunk back

into the murky island shadows

Published inpoetryPoetry

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    • Thanks so much, Diana. I sure hope you like it. Aunt Agnes doesn’t care for it at all since she isn’t in there, and none of those characters could possibly be as interesting as she is, LOL. These poor lost souls should have never boarded that ship. πŸ˜€

  1. This is a good metaphor for a return to childhood, perhaps, where we “relearn the language of sea nymphs and tiger sharks, entrapped in a world of maroon sunsets and eternity.” There’s also an interesting mix of ancient and present day concerns, like a shipwreck invoking fears of coconut allergies and drug dealing. Nice imagery too. πŸ™‚

    • There is definitely many things going on that island, ah those poor souls. Thanks so much, Joan. I hope your weekend is going well and hopefully, those Kiwis are beginning to thrive, lol πŸ˜€

  2. Great use of imagery for this shipwreck theme Lana. And I totally understand how that song melds perfectly with the lyrics – one of my favorite songs from back in the day and a great Karaoke favorite! πŸ™‚ xx

  3. Wow! Love this poem! Especially the line about relearning the language of sea-nymphs and tiger sharks! 😊 xoxo πŸ’•

    • It’s been awhile since I’ve had a good sit-down discussion with a tiger shark, but it is getting close to summer, and it will soon be tiger shark beach weather for sure :D. Thanks, Sarah. xoxo

  4. Yes Lana, I love ship adventure, I will surely go on my usual summer trip down the river thames before I finally leave. If only there were coconuts on the Thames River, who could ever give nut allergy to a tropical girl who is used to eating coconuts haha! Lovely poem, I enjoyed it.

    • Juli, you won’t believe it, but I just recently discovered that I’ve become allergic to tree nuts, specifically almonds. I’ve eaten them all my life! I don’t know how we can just become allergic to something we’ve always used when we get “older.” So not fair, so I was imagining these castaways, then I inserted myself on the island and thought what a bummer not to be able to knock open one of those coconuts, LOL. πŸ˜€

      • My daughter was told at school here in England that nuts has allergy, and she has never eaten nuts. But I make coconut cakes, and she eats them hahah makes me laugh. Most people here would say they allegic to nuts, but when they travel to tropical countries, they eat all the rubbish that’s got nuts in them, they never get sick, but when back in Europe, they become allergic, ooh what a story, I just don’t who and what to believe. Me I eat all the rubbish made out of nuts, bring them on. Nuts are healthy.

        • They are very healthy and a very important part of a diet. When I eat almonds now, I break out all over in hives! I don’t understand after all this time, now I can’t eat them. I still eat coconut yogurt, though, that only gives me a small red bump, I can live with that, LOL.

          • But you see, my daughter was only born back home, whereas me, I grew up there and ate all the tropical rubbish hahahahaha. And plus I love making my own stuffs at home.

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