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Texas Writers Journal

I would like to give thanks to the Texas Writers Journal for publishing my short story, The Great Television Debate in their January 2016 1st Quarter Edition. I would also like to encourage Texas writers to submit to this wonderful journal (I believe you do have to live in this state to do so), but there could be similar state organizations for writers who are not from here (worth a search). This is actually the first non-fiction piece that I have ever had published. If anyone works for an organization that receives this journal, I would appreciate your vote (if you are so inclined), or a vote for any of the talented writers that they selected as finalists.
In other news, this was my first day back to work in 2 1/2 weeks from being off for school winter break. My first assignment was pre-school, and I was actually in such a mental fog that I wore my house shoes to work. Imagine my surprise when I went to do jumping jacks with the kids to not only discover that my shoes had no backs, but truly conflicted with my prim and proper English teacher attire. Kids didn’t notice though, actually nobody noticed. Smile.
TX writers

Published inpoetryTeachingtelevision

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  1. Congratulations on the published story – I will check it out! You are brave to take on pre-school. With the house shoes you were lucky it was pre-school though! Good luck on the next assignment.

    • There is some bravery required, ha ha. Yes I was lucky on the shoes…today I think I have it together ๐Ÿ™‚ thanks so much and I hope your new year is going well.

  2. Congratulations on having your story published, and non-fiction, too! What a great start to 2016. I’m also really impressed that you can teach such little ones, especially having the older year groups before Christmas. I wonder whether your last lot would have noticed your footwear?:D I hope you have a great time with the pre-school kiddies. They are lovely at that age.

    • Thanks Millie, I was surprised they picked my story. I do have a lot of fun with the little kids. They are so sweet at that age. You can bet the Jr. High and High School students would have noticed the shoes, ha ha. It’s Tuesday, and I think I’m finally back in school mode now ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Hip hip hooray, Lana. You go, girl! ๐Ÿ™‚ Ohio girl here so will try and read soon. I will enjoy non-fiction. I don’t do much of yhis! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • I don’t really write non-fiction either, but my significant other has many stories that I have written. It is told in 1st person, but it is his story. At some point, T minus X days, I will be able to post on my blog by acknowledging TWJ as the publisher. Happy Hump day back to you!

      • Looking forward to more details and are people from out of state able to read the Texas Writer’s Journal, Lana?
        I used to wear funny things to my special needs integrated with typically developing children “role models.” Our state allows 8 of the children mentioned first and four of the second. We had am and pm classes. Slippers or any silly hat get the quiet ones responding more. ๐Ÿ™‚ You inspire me, Lana. โ™ก

        • The Journal is available online (but they do charge a fee) I guess it is how they make their funds. I will be able to publish the story on my blog after some time (by adding the headline “previously published in TWJ,” which I have no problem with. These little pre-schoolers inspire me too after being with some of the more “worldly” older kids. I believe that at their young age, people can really make a difference ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for the compliment, your wonderful blog is very inspiring in itself.

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