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The Fisherman

The fisherman is

sun happy


and lake loopy

He loaded his plastic

container full of

black earth and

slithering night crawlers

Balanced in his

patchwork boat

hull and spar built

casting rod,

dropping lines

fish haul for a

fish fry

greasy spoons for

the wild-eyed

But alas,

not today

fish won’t bite

lake won’t pay

but our fisherman dear

hugs his gear

and gleefully glances

o’er the glassy lake

Published inpoetryPoetry

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  1. Fishermen are great optimists, aren’t they, Lana? Rather like farmers, you know. Something tells me the fish just might be biting during the eclipse, if for no other reason than curiosity!

  2. Lana, this has me smiling…it never really is about the fish, is it?! πŸ˜€ I can sense his peace and contentment as he goes ‘lake loopy’!

  3. Lake loopy! That’s great. Most fishermen just love to sit around with a pole in the water, whether they catch anything or not. I like the “patchwork boat” and the use of “o’er” in the last line, it fits well there. πŸ™‚

    • Thank you, Joan. I love to read what you write about poetry. You are so in tune with it, and catch so many details that other people gloss over. I think you should be teaching poetry somewhere, you would be so great at it! πŸ˜€ xo

  4. The last four lines definitely sound to me like a song! Love the optimistic feel of the piece, Lana πŸ™‚ I was just contemplating wether or not to buy a fishing rod as they have some on offer at my local Tk maxx πŸ˜‰ But the thing is there are so many regulations around here where youΒ΄re allowed to fish etc. it kind of takes a bit the fun out of it, especially when all I want really do, is just have an excuse to sit there and relax – just like your fisherman πŸ˜‰

    • Thanks Sarah! Relaxing is the best thing and good for us too. I was trying to write an ironic piece with this where the fisherman is happy even though he didn’t catch any fish, sorta like the Walrus and the Carpenter, but it didn’t quite turn out, ha ha. But he’s still happy, though πŸ˜€

  5. Thank you Lana. I guess it could have been a day out on the river and enjoying the tranquility of nature. Or yes, he could have gotten some fish, who knows. Did the the eclipse gave him some luck at all?? haha!

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