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Invisible Girl – Miracle Challenge

Having lost myself between the pages of this book.
I dissolve as if sprinkled by invisibility perfume.
Into thin air, utopia finds me mellow.
I became the perfect autumn day, windswept with leaves and promise.
If only the creep across the way would stop gawking.


Published inMiracleChallengepoetry

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  1. Hey Lana !
    This a beautiful poem using the prompt image. Like it’s said, the last line of the poem is very important. Likewise, everything got changed in your last line. It was unexpected surprise element.
    I enjoyed your poem.
    Congrats for completing challenge no. 5 👏😃👏😃👏😃

  2. Reblogged this on miraclegirlblog and commented:
    Hello Everyone !
    Check out the latest post for ‘Weekly Writing #MiracleChallenge’ Week – 5 :
    Blogger : L.T.Garvin
    Tale Title : Invisible Girl
    Challenge No : 5
    Challenge : Write a Tiny Tale / Poem using prompt image in 5 or less sentences(for tale) and 5 or less lines(for poem)
    For those who are new to #MiracleChallenge, every Tuesday morning, I post new Writing prompts for 5 challenges to write Short Story / Tiny Tale/ Poem / Haiku.
    Visit my blog or and know the latest writing prompts and the rules to participate in #MiracleChallenge for the week dated from 12th to 18th july, 2016. Yes ! 18th July is the deadline.
    Kindly, everyone read and inspire each other to write.
    Happy Blogging !
    Enjoy and have fun:)

  3. i could relate the to the description of how a book can transport one to a wonderful place. then at the last line when reality intrudes in the form of a “creep” i laughed because it made me remember how frustrating life can be.

  4. I like how you snuck up on us with a serious jolt, Lana. It was like an amusement ride: quick and exciting!

  5. A really nice piece of writing. The interpretation of becoming lost in a book and then the annoyance of real life intruding – great!

    • Thank you. These writing prompts are a lot of fun, and sometimes, a bit unexpected. I thought this was an interesting photo. Thanks for stopping by and following my blog!

  6. I like how you wrote this-the description of reading is beautiful, and I like the turn in the last line-it made me laugh.

  7. I love it. The last line came out of left field and required a re-read to make sure I was still in the same zone. I think the image in the photograph is a fabulous. I love the playfulness I see in it as it brings your words into a tangible 3 dimensional form.

  8. I enjoyed this. I read through twice to see if there was any indication of that sucker punch last-line, but no indication until after it hit.
    Thank you for liking my post!

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