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This perfection
found in a grasped hour
in those impromptu, unshattered moments
as time collides with harmony.
And when I look
will I find you in those seconds
in that epoch-honored peace
that is quietly bestowed
through the spirit of nature
from the grace of the Divine
in a place where
minutes fall away
like sprinkles from the hours
and there is simply us
in fragile bliss
a microcosm
caught in the caption of photos
filed in the book of memory.

Published inpoetryPoetrywriting

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  1. Beautiful Lana, as delicate as time and memories themselves. Lovely, thoughtful and peaceful post. Wishing you a special weekend. 😀

  2. A lovely piece, with so many wonderful images. The one that jumped out at me was that of minutes falling away like sprinkles from the hours. Simply beautiful L.T.

      • You’re welcome L.T. We haven’t had chance to chat for months . My fault entirely, as I’ve been totally neglecting my blog. Hopefully, now my book of flash fic pieces is finished and I just have my trilogy to complete, I’ll have a little more time. Hope all is well – and I love the look of your new book. 🙂

        • Thanks Millie. I knew that you have been busy writing. I have also considered not blogging due to time constraints, it is so difficult to fit everything in. The only thing is everyone expects authors to maintain a blog. Between blogging, and all the other administrative tasks in being a writer, when do they actually expect us to write our stories? Glad to hear you got some work finished. I do have two children’s books that should be out in a few weeks. I was excited but now I’m just discouraged as far as launches, publicity, etc. I hope all is well with you also!

  3. this poem creates such a lovely mood that it is hard to leave it. perfect title. my favorite line: “as time collides with harmony.”

  4. “… in those impromptu, unshattered moments
    as time collides with harmony…”
    Exquisite. Sometimes this is exactly how I experience time. Thank you for giving giving words to my experience.

    • Thank you for the gracious compliment. There are many moments in time that we hold dear. Thanks so much for reading and commenting. I’m glad you enjoyed it.

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