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War of the Elements

Today we were gifted
a spring day
in the midst of winter
adrift in crunch brown leaves
the haughty wind stilled
as if Zephyrus
held up a shield
at war with the elements
Navigating among the shell shocked tea roses
chilled once
with frosted breath
now daring to turn
their timid rosy faces toward
the holy light of the sun
Then this blue top spins wildly
as if tipped by a capricious Zeus
and your turn the corner
to face a new north wind

Published inpoetryPoetry


  1. Very nice, LT. Them buggers at press-word (I’ve cleverly coded the criticism, they’ll never catch on) seem to have hijacked your penultimate line with an unwanted ‘r’. Still can’t detract from it’s quality though. May you enjoy many more gift days along the road to Spring πŸ™‚

  2. Gorgeous, Lana. This is why we have to keep our eyes open–to see and appreciate beauty amid ugliness, warmth amid cold, good amid evil, unexpected amid ordinary. Your pic of the frosted rose is amazing, and the accompanying words couldn’t be more apt or true. All the best to you in 2017. πŸ™‚

    • I missed you also. I’ve got to catch up now that you are back. I did have a good holiday, and I hope you likewise got to spend some quality time with your family. Happy New Year to you, my friend πŸ˜€

  3. Dee Dee

    You describe the war of elements so vividly: the brown leaves and the winter cold are great contrasts. I felt a chill while reading which is good for a person here in the warmth of Florida.

    • Thank you so much, Dee. We have “cold snaps” here in north Texas. Crazy cold will come in for usually 2 or 3 days and usually leaves. The rest of the time, it can be in the 50s to the 70s, but there are a lot of us who can’t even handle those few days of cold. The low temp on Friday was 8 degrees! I wish I was in Florida πŸ˜€

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